Monday, July 11, 2016

Day 5
106 hours fasted.
Weight down to 189.4, down 2.2 from yesterday and a total for the fast of 8.6 pounds.  Waist down to 37.5, .75 inches from yesterday and 2.5 lost total.  BF% calculator says I'm now at 22%, down 1.25% from yesterday and 4% in total so far.  Acetone level is a new high score, up to 86.

I'll end this fast at 9am, which is 108 hours or 4 and 1/2 days.

Broke fast with 1oz Macadamia nuts, 2oz of Dubliner cheese, 4 fried eggs and 2 slices of thick cut bacon.  It was pretty awesome.  Wondering what it'll do to my Acetone level.

Acetone level is still steady at 86, two hours after eating.  Pretty cool.

Breaking a fast in that manner is strongly not advised and I knew better.  Oh well, nothing a little paint, spackle, and strong stomached plumber can't fix.

Completed my eating entries and if anyone is interested you can see it here.
Walked 4.6 miles for a total of 23.1 so far.
Completed bodyweight workout for today. (3 sets the following: pullup, horizontal rows, hanging bent leg raises, kettlebell swings.  These are my 'pull' exercises)
Completed day 5 of yoga.
Acetone reading is up to 88.  Pretty cool it's still climbing after a day of eating.  KETO WORKS.

I feel like I earned my shower today, interested in what the scale says tomorrow.  I anticipate it will be higher than today after the re-feeding.  Take care.

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