Sunday, July 24, 2016

Day 18
This morning was a bit of a disappointment initially.  Acetone level was down to 62.  Waist stayed the same but my weight was up .8 of a pound to 185.8, not really what I was expecting or was hoping for.  All things considered though, that's less than the weight of 16oz of water so I'm not going to get crazy about it.  Also, I took the opportunity to review some of the BF% calculations and, although probably not super accurate, I really like the trends.

I started this 18 days ago at 198lbs, 40 inch waist, body fat of 26%, a fat mass of 51.3lbs and a lean mass of 146.7lbs.
Today I sit at 185.8lbs 35.5 inch waist, body fat of 18%, with a fat mass of 33.7 and a lean mass of 152.1.

So, while my weight went up this morning I need to remember that I'm getting much stronger than I was, I'm getting much more flexible, capable, and my ability to balance is better. And while I've lost 12.2 of over all weight, I've actually lost 17.6 pounds of fat and added 5.4 pounds of muscle.  I've annihilated 4.5 inches off my waist and lowered my BF% down 8%.  At least if I choose to believe my indications, and I do!

The plan works if you work the plan.

5.7 miles walked today taking the total to 90.3.  Day 18 of yoga is done.

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