Saturday, July 23, 2016

Day 16
Down 1lb to 185, waist down to 35.5 from 36.  BF% doesn't change a whole lot.  Still under 19%. Day 16 of yoga is done.  Felt a little off today, maybe because it's so dang hot.  Right bicep is feeling weird when I went to do pull ups.  I've been down this road before so I'm taking a two day break for some extra rest.  We'll see if getting back to 6 workouts a week is a good idea as we go, I appreciate I'm 46, not 26 anymore.  Walked 5.4 miles, up to 79.6.  Morning and evening acetone readings were 82 and 87.  Food diary here.

Day 15
Down 1.4 to 186, waist stay the same today and BF% doesn't change much either. Acetone morning and evening were 83 and 87.  Upped all the progressions on the bodyweight exercises for today's workout and was subsequently humbled.  That's okay, it's good to find areas of improvement.  Day 15 yoga is done, walked 5.1 today for 74.2 miles so far.  Food diary here.

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