Thursday, December 13, 2007

Week 12, Day 4

YogaX this morning! (that's considerably more enthusiasm than I actually feel btw)

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Week 12, Day 3

Hi there. Last Back and Biceps workout for a while...

Monday, December 10, 2007

Week 12, Day 1

I'm up. A little late, but up.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Week 11, Day 5

I'm up! I almost rolled over and went back to sleep - it was a close thing. Legs and Back this morning, I predict whaa whaa-ing about sore glutes for the weekend.

Weighed in at 182.6 today. FYI, YogaX will hurt you if you don't respect it.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Week 11, Day 4

Hey, I'm 2 for 2! This morning is an hour and a half of YogaX - good times.

That was ugly. I think after I've finished the initial 13 weeks I'm going to continue to do the Plyo/Yoga/Kenpo/StretchX workouts until it's time to kick off another full bore P90 Schedule. I think I have done myself a serious disservice by neglecting them. 184 pounds this morning.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Week 11, Day 3

Hey, look at that, I'm up! Going to do 11pm to 5am as a sleep schedule for a while and see how that works out. I've lost track of what 'day' of P90 this is, so will use the week/day nomenclature for the rest of the 13 weeks.

I'm pleased with the results from this morning's workout, held my own despite the time away. Mr. Scale says I'm up to 186.2 - Ouch. I'm telling myself at least some of that is muscle gain, but I am also aware that rest is decadence and over indulgence. No worries, back to the grindstone.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Rumors of my Death greatly exagerated.

Thanksgiving has not been good to my fitness efforts. Disastrous would not be too strong of a word. The good news is I'm back and I'm fired up.