Saturday, July 9, 2016

Day 3
Was pretty cold last night but slept okay.  Trying to wrap my head around something but really struggling - Yesterday morning I was 196lbs, during the day I drank 11 pounds of fluid (gallon of water, 36oz of coffee) and before bed weighed 197lbs.  That's kind of crazy in itself, but I did work out on the 92F+ porch and did all the yard work so I can sort of get that.  THIS morning I weighed in at 192.2lbs.  I did urinate twice, but 4.6lbs is over half a gallon of water!  I guess I was burning fat and exhaling water vapor and CO2 at a pretty high rate as I slept.  Acetone level continues to rise, up seven points to 74 since last night and I have a strong metallic taste in my mouth.  Both indications of entering pretty strong ketosis and thus burning soft, gooey fat.  I am 58 hours without food, doing alright so far, seems like the secret here is lots and lots of water and supplementing sodium, potassium, and magnesium.  I take potassium in the morning, magnesium at night.  I'll also drink a PowerAid Zero moving forward.

Weight: 192.2lbs, -3.8lbs from yesterday, 5.8lbs lost total
Waist: 38.75inches, -.75 from yesterday, 1.25 lost total
BF%: 24.25, 1 from yesterday, 1.75 lost total
Verdict: Acceptable

Walked 4.8 miles today, 14 miles so far.
Day 3 yoga completed.
Acetone level up to 79, all the way up into the red zone on my meter.  Mouth tastes pretty funky.

70 hours into this fast, not hungry but a little 'off' with a mild headache.  Drank a gallon of water, 32oz of coffee and 32oz of grape poweraid, and a couple of cans of coconut La Croix sparkling water.  Been a little grumpy, wife's been cooking really good smelling stuff and everything smells stronger today.

That's all for now.

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