Sunday, September 16, 2007

Why polyphasic?

Because there wasn't enough time in the conventional day. Life had become get up, go to work, come home, be daddy, go to sleep. Lather, rinse, repeat. The weekends were family, household shopping and chores, and occasionally a get together with the neighbors. The times I snuck away or diverted my attention to things that interested me I felt like I was neglecting my duties and family. And I was.
Eventually, for entertainment, relaxation, whatever, I compromised and began multitasking the evenings with beer. Not blacking out, puking, raving quantities mind you, but more than is healthy and definitely more than someone trying to get in shape needs.

The Everyman sleep schedule seemed a rather elegant solution. Attend:
*I now have 4 completely uncontested hours, in one massive clump, to do whatever the heck I want to do every single day. 28 hours a week!
*When I get home in the evening I go directly into Daddy mode and stay there, the family can have my 100% unfettered attention for homework, puzzles, boardgames, whatever.
*My going to bed time has been pushed back a full hour, the kids are asleep and the house is quiet. Wife and I have found this a wonderful time to reconnect.
*Since quality sleep is paramount to the whole experiment being a success, I can't jeopardize it with alcohol. Frankly those 4 golden hours and the rest of the happy byproducts are much more important to me than a 4 beer buzz.

So what did I do in my first 28 hours of me time?
*A fair amount of nothing in particular, watching the sun rise, walking the dog (wow, was she confused at 4am), navel gazing.
*Couple of hours of video gaming
*Walked 10+ miles, hopefully get back to running soon, been giving my calves a break.
*Spent 7 hours on P90x (probably the best use of time)
*Couple of hours of Spanish training.

All in all I'm astoundingly pleased with the last week. Looking forward to whatever comes next.

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