Saturday, September 15, 2007

Day 6 - Nothing to it but to do it

Oh Hi! Kinda rough getting moving this morning. Weight is 176.2 lbs. Kenpo workout this morning, but not for a few more hours.

Since it's Saturday and I'm not pressed for time, I decided to put off the workout until after the 6am nap. I'm also noticing that my glutes are really sore from the Legs and Back workout yesterday. Just thought you'd like to know.

Well the Kenpo workout is a lot of fun and I worked up a mighty sweat. Would have been more intense but that both kids decided a Saturday morning is THE time to get up at 6:35. So it was a high intensity punching and kicking routine slightly tempered to minimize the number of times any given child was launched across the room.

BTW, did you ever think vinegar was so versatile? More tips in the comments.

Had a really good day today, my worries about keeping the nap schedule over the weekend turned out to be unfounded. It wasn't hard to accommodate the lunch and dinner naps even with what turned out to be the most social day we've had in a while.

I'm very pleased at how well these experiments are going.

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