Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Day 3 - That which must be endured, can be endured.

I'm up, pretty groggy. Will update after getting something to eat and maybe going for a walk. Weight today is 180.2 lbs.

K, went for the walk first and observed a couple of things. I was weaving fairly noticeably and the hills seemed a lot harder than normal. My legs feel pretty rough. I'm pretty sure the Plyometrics workout is mostly responsible for that. Also at the 1 mile turn around, a hunger pang hit me like a truck. Soldiered on to the house and had a grapefruit and water, feel fairly human now. Thinking about some black coffee... Hmm, maybe some green tea instead, don't want to mess up the 6am nap.

Alright, woke up from the morning nap about a minute before the alarm went off! Was worried about the Green Tea keeping me from napping, but it seems to have worked out okay. Today was P90X Shoulders & Arms and I feel pretty good about my performance for it. I definitely want to keep moving in the 2am to 6am hours, really seems to make a difference on my alertness levels.

Still rolling, noon and 7pm nap went pretty well, the MP3s definitely help cut the background noise and get me into nap mode. I'm kind of tired now and my eyeballs feel a little too big but other than that I feel okay. I am looking forward to 11 for bedtime but don't see any problem getting there.

I'm setting up my Spanish training cd's now too, want to use some of this freed up time to learn to speak a second language, mostly to talk dirty to my wife: "hola mi esposa, mi pingüino es muy grande y roja"

Tomorrow will be interesting, I'm going to one of the remote offices and will be performing a fairly major hardware swap during the lunch hour. Not sure where or when I'll get the noon(ish) nap. Guess I'll have to burn that bridge when I get to it.

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