Monday, September 10, 2007

Day 1 - Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

7am Note:
Got up at 5am, figured out where I was, and jumped into P90X. In a word? Wowch. This morning was Chest and Back, lots of varied chin ups and push ups with some dumbbell back exercises. Wasn't pretty, but I finished. Took a 20 minute nap (sort of) then hit the shower. No biking today, have to travel for work. That's just as well as my butt is still sore from the big bike ride. Oh, and weighed in at 181.8 this morn.
Stay tuned, more later.

Just woke up from 12:00 nap, was a little rough with office noise. Need to find something to listen to or some earplugs. Actually got some dreaming sleep though, I am encouraged. Now for some lunch!

Just finished the Ab Ripper X workout. Best thing I can say about that is at least there's plenty of room for improvement. Tried out a nap at 7:00, that didn't go too well - will have to do something about the family racket or maybe go crash in the car. DietPower says I've eaten about 2050 calories today, I expect I'm going to need more with less sleep. Since it would disrupt the sleep I am going to get, I'm doing without beer or other alcohol while I'm polyphasing. I wonder what I'll end up missing more, sleep or a cold one...

Well here we go, going to go get ready for bed then read for a few minutes and get some sleep. If all goes well, I'll catch you at 2am. Good night!

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