Thursday, September 13, 2007

Day 4 - Persistant optimism is a force multiplier

I'm up, ISP is down. More later when I can get back online.

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AAAAaaand, we're back! Feeling pretty good this morning now that I'm moving. Was hard to wake up, 2 out of 3 alarms went off before I finally kicked my feet off the bed. Need to do better than that. Weight is 178.6 lbs. Going to see how well Spanish training works at this time of day, come back later, I'll let you know.

Well, I don't recommend trying to concentrate for more than 30 minutes at this stage of the experiment. I was getting the answers correct, but by the end my eyes really wanted to close for a nap. Sitting still in general does not seem to be too good an idea. Got 30 minutes into the 90 minute P90 Yoga routine before turning it off. I'm sure it will help my over all soreness and it felt good, but the calming/soothing/stretching/relaxing was not helping me stay awake and alert this morning. I'm sure it'll be better next week when I've adapted more.
It's occurred to me that I didn't do Ab ripper X yesterday like I was supposed to... I've got time now before the 6am nap so I better turn to.

Well it's been a pretty rough day, spent it at one of the remote offices, did get to close my eyes around noon, but it wasn't for the full nap. That made the 2.5 hour drive back a little challenging but it wasn't until the evening nap was interrupted twice that things got hairy. Once again I find that eating will give you a reprieve when you feel like letting the eyes close and I wonder how long that can be sustained. I am going to try to stay busy and see if I can hang in there until 11.

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