Thursday, January 31, 2008

YogaX = Yoga ouch

Will have to find some time this evening to do yoga. 3.6 mile run went well at lunch, time was 32:29. Feeling pretty good.
Oh, and weight was down to 188.4 this morning.

Soldiered through the whole 90 minutes of YogaX, sucked big time during but afterwards was great. Definitely getting more flexible. Or my spine has snapped.

Realized I forgot Abripper. So I just did it.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I despise Yoga X also. That's why I do Ashtango instead. It's just as hard but has better "flow" if that makes any sense. Also takes 90's hard to plan the day around a peaceful 90 minutes (definitely NOT first thing in the morning for me). Keep up the great work!!

Wes said...

It is hands down the most challenging workout for me. I got worried when we were doing 'plow'. Everything went dark and I found it hard to breath.
Then I realized it was just that my flab had shifted over my face and was trying to suffocate me.

Orlando said...

It's tough alright, but if you are strong and stick with it, especially the 45 minutes, you will start to see some progress. It's amazing how much slowing and getting your breathing in sync with the move will help work through the stretches. Tony says this, so pay attention.