Saturday, January 26, 2008

Hate it when I'm right.

191.8 this morning. oh well. KenpoX rocked, I hung with the group all the way through. Have a 6 Mile run scheduled for when it hopefully gets above freezing today, a makeup Abripper session, and half of yogaX too. I'll keep you posted.
Oh yeah, the glutes are in wicked pain today. Especially when I sit down. Good times.

I feel like I spent all day yesterday cracking walnuts with my butt cheeks. Oh well, time to man up and do some roadwork. Temp's up to 43, probably as good as it's going to get today.

Well I survived it. Running up hill was not so great, felt like I was running in wet sand - required a lot more conscious effort than usual which I guess is just fatigue (plus added weight?). Got 6 miles run in 58:33 which is considerably slower than I usually do. I shouldn't complain, seems like the body's holding up so far. Time for a shower.

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