Friday, January 25, 2008

Week 1 Day 5

Legs and Back wasn't as bad as I remembered. I guess tomorrow will tell, seems like every Saturday my legs and glutes were in agony last time through. Weight's up to 191 but my waist is a little smaller which according to the YMCA body fat calculator indicates that I'm getting trimmer. I'll take it. I'm reaching, but I'll take it.
It's 18 and windy - we'll have to see if the ride happens or not.

Myoplex is the wind beneath my wings. 'Nuff said.

Didn't eat very well today and had 4-5 Mich Lights at the neighbors' this afternoon/evening. Put off AbRipperX until tomorrow. Had fun and am still fired up, but expect to take a hit tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Hi Wes. I'm just finishing up week 2 on P90X Classic after doing the Lean version last year. Keep up the good work and I'll check back on you periodically. Hope you don't mind that I'm posting a link to your blog on mine.

Wes said...

Hey S and Welcome!
Thanks for the link and I'll post yours too. Keep bringing it!

I'll admit I wondered at your name for a few minutes. Sheshard sounded Indian, but maybe it was a concatenation of S. Heshard or perhaps Sheshar D. Then my wife pointed out it was probably "She's Hard" which made a lot more sense.

Have a great day!