Wednesday, January 2, 2008


I'm pretty sure that if it weren't for you I'd still be in bed. It's 29 degrees this morning and the wind is blowing pretty hard, I was quite warm and content when the alarm went off. I did hit snooze once then remembered you were here waiting so I got up and weighed in. Scale says 186.4 this morning which suggests to me that I've been eating too much salt and am carrying a good bit of water bloat. That's okay - This morning I'm doing the Plyometrics workout and that should burn off some goo.

Have a great day!

Well, that was better than I expected but not as good as I hoped. Got through the 2nd break of Plyo before calling it good. Mighty sweaty and got a little dizzy there - it would seem that I'm woefully out of shape. Time to put the coffee on then grab a shower.

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