Saturday, October 6, 2007

Not as hardcore as I thought I was.

First off, let me apologize for the lack of content and updates here. Way back on day 10, at 4pm in the afternoon, I was laid off from the job I had held for 6.5 years. It was quite a shock. The last two weeks have been crazy-busy and emotional and I'll admit that the polyphasic and P90X experiments have taken a hit, my heart hasn't been in them as much as it should have been. It was hard to be excited about having 19 hours of awake time in a day when I wasn't working. This last week of P90X has been a recovery week (yoga/core/stretching etc) and I slacked off. Did do some decent running and cycling, but I was planning to supplement P90X with those activities, not replace.

So anyway, my bad.

A few days ago an opportunity that wasn't even on the radar as possibility presented itself. After some loving cultivation, it grew from a part time subcontractor position to a much broader (and challenging and fulfilling) full time, salaried gig with benefits. As of Oct 16th, I am employed again! Yay! Double-Yay!

Today I am re-affirming my goals and dedication to the projects already underway. For better or worse, you are in for more content and I am also adding an Experiment...

To adjust from a traditional, 'go to the office for 8-10 hours a day' job, to working full time from home.

Put on your seat belts ya'll, it might be a bumpy ride.


Anonymous said...

Awesome. You Rock!
I'm a true believer that everything happens for a reason. All the way down to the simplest thing of perhaps pumping an extra 0.10 gallons of gas into the car.
I maintained the belief and wish you would find a position that would allow you to spend more time with the family and be of less stress. While not thinking of the less than appealing responsibilities held and previous histories.
There is an abundance of good and beauty in the world, nearly 99%; I'm glad to know that someone else is repelled by the other 1%.
Good job! I'm thankful that I know a person and family like you.

Anonymous said...

Hey congratulations on the new job, hope everything goes well for you.