Sunday, March 1, 2009

Biphasic sleeping day 7

I'm up after 6 but sure would like to grab another 90 min. Sunday morning and it is cold and nasty outside.

It's fit for neither man nor beast outside, perfect for a nap. I happened to notice we're 60 days (or two months or 1/6th of the way) into the year today and I'm doing pretty well on my resolutions. Am still Alcohol, Tobacco, Hard Drugs, Cannibalism, Anatidaephobia, Injury, Rabies, and Soft Drinks free. Some of those have been pretty easy to do without, some like alcohol and soft drinks (Diet pepsi) have been harder.

Been a pretty good day, the 6 hour core with a 25ish minute nap seems to have suited me pretty well for the last two days. Tomorrow starts the second phase, we're going to be reintroducing some P90X workouts and get refocused on the triathlon/marathon work. Need to be looking for some additional projects, since I'm down from 9.5 hours a night to 6.5 I'm finding I've got some time on my hands.

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