Sunday, June 15, 2008

Day 70 Happy Father's Day

Pretty much chilling out this weekend, feeling better. Should be back to the grindstone tomorrow.

I realize my intensity has dissipated some since summer has rolled around. I'd estimate my P90 performance at no better than 75 percent. Ab workouts have become almost extinct. I've fallen hard off my 'no enjoying beer solo' rule. My nutrition tracking and weight monitoring has ceased. Photo's have stopped entirely.

That being said, there's no doubt I'm still in better shape than I've been in in the last 20 years, but there is MUCH room for improvement. After this weekend of reflection and relaxation I've prepared a few re-affirmations:

1) Weight and nutrition tracking using Fitday so that progress can be tracked here.
2) Re-commit to the P90X+ plan for the remaining 110 days including Ab workouts.
3) Re-commit to the 'no enjoying beer solo' rule.
4) Rework the morning routine and get up earlier to ensure the 1st workout takes place.
5) Try to take more photos. (I hate this part)
6) Consume my body weight in grams of protein a day.
7) Post first thing to be accountable for getting up on time.

Oh man, just finished StretchX and I feel awesome.

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