Sunday, June 1, 2008

Day 56 - Oy

P180X+ has taken a hit over the last couple of weeks. I've got to do better than this. Tomorrow starts phase 3 and it looks to be more intense so maybe it'll hold my attention a little better. Yesterday morning was a hike with the family after which I hit the pool and swam a 1000 meters before mowing the grass. Today I'm feeling pretty weary. Maybe I'll be better after some coffee.

Well, got all motivated and decided to do the cycle and run portions of the Tri back to back. It was 92 degrees and windy as a chihuahua after a 3 bean burritos binge. By the time I got back to the house (15.4 miles in 56 minutes) I wasn't running anywhere. Had myself a nice lay on the floor and stare at the ceiling fan session instead.

It's clear that I have my work cut out for me and I haven't respected this event as much as I should have. And yet, why oh why do I keep watching this and thinking "The swim is only 6 times the distance I'm already having to do... It's only 112 mile bike ride, I've done that before..."

I'm pretty sure there's something very wrong with me.

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