Sunday, April 20, 2008

Day 14, YogaX and admitted defeat.

Well yesterday was interesting, I rode out with Gene and Dave for a 35-45 mile road ride. Straight out of the neighborhood it was clear that they had had their Wheaties and today was going to be an eye opener. We covered a little over 20 miles in the first hour, faster than I've ever ridden that distance before. At our first break I mentioned that and got surprised looks and 'O RLY?' from them.
Then things got interesting. By interesting I mean painful and embarrassing. :)
Around mile 35 climbing the 6th or 7th long and ugly hill, as I contemplated the seemingly inevitable event where both of my quadriceps exploded like over inflated and rotten inner tubes in a hot sun, when Gene makes a remark about the young guy should be pulling us up the hill. He was talking about Dave who turns out to be 3 years my senior. Later I found out that Gene was 12 when I was born.
The ride ended up being 46 miles all told and they didn't seem to mind waiting on me at the top of the last few mountains we discovered. I've got a lot of improving to do.
161.5 Miles left to ride.

In semi related news, I'm admitting my over ambitiousness in taking on two 30 day challenges along with P180X+. In trying to do all three, all three are suffering. So I'm dropping the 100 miles in 30 days run challenge. The cycling can be done in an hour 2-3 days a week at the distances I'm used to riding with a big weekend ride, but the run is another hour just about everyday.

YogaX today and I swear on my daughter's Garfield plush toy that I'm getting through the whole thing.

Yoga is done, Garfield lives another day.

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