Monday, April 7, 2008

Day 1 of 182 - Total Body

I felt that.

Wow. My whole body is in a state of WTF. I feel great, but I'm pretty sure that later I'm going to be sore in places I didn't know existed. This workout is unlike anything I have EVER done before, it moves really really fast and is all over the board for what body parts you're using. Each exercise works multiple muscle groups and is varied so that you don't really realize how much you're hitting them until after it's all done. I'm going to have to print out my worksheet again, the one I used today got sweat dripped on it to the point it's nearly unreadable. After 4 days off, this was EXACTLY what I needed. I think the next 3 weeks is going to be a lot of fun and burn off a bunch of calories. I'll be posting the new schedule as a google doc later in case anyone is interested in watching the progress.

Signed on for two 30 day challenges starting today, Run 100 Miles and Cycle 300 Miles. Yeah, I'm a masochist.

13.25 Miles down, 286.75 miles left to ride.
2 Miles down, 98 miles left to run.

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