Tuesday, March 4, 2008

W7D2 Good times.

Knocked out AbripperX, CardioX (from yesterday) and Plyo this afternoon. I think I earned my shower today. I really like all three of these workouts but don't intend on doing them all on the same day again any time soon. Now for some 'recovery' drink and de-funking session in the shower.

Heavin' Hooters Batman, I am TIRED. I almost couldn't type that in all caps I'm so tired. I'd crash right now if my responsibilities would let me. Oh well, muscle through.


Doc Shazam said...

Defunk, man, you need it!

THanks for the motivaiton. You are right, the "habit" needs to take over when motivation wanes.

here I sit at a coffee shop doing work at 8:50pm knowing I still have to do plyo when I get home AND get up to be downtown at the courthouse by 7:30AM to testify in a case I treated.

Tomorrow will be a long day, but then I get to CRUSH it with some p90x!

Doc Shazam said...

BTW, Wes, we need more pics!

Angelia said...

I love the plyo! Kenpo is awesome too! Cardio X is my workout in the am! yeah Bring it!

Angelia :)

Wes said...

Added a comparison set, just for you Doc :)

I don't photograph well and felt sorta 'puffy' at the time they were taken but I see progress!

Hope the next set will be more impressive!