Monday, March 24, 2008


Yesterday was StretchX and lots of outside time with the family, today it's turned cold again so I'm glad we got out while we could. Knocked out Chest/Shoulders/Tris this morning, that's a good workout. Cracks me up when Phil tells Tony to 'get away from me', I know how he feels. Abripper and CardioX tonight.

Here's a trick I've been using for a while with good results - prior to the morning workout I take a 200mg caffeine pill with a glass of water. This works great for keeping everything pumping during the workout and I don't end up tanking before the end. Your mileage may vary.

Lastly I've made myself a new promise. From now on if no one else is imbibing, then I won't be either. Let me explain: I like beer. A lot. I like the taste, the smell, the way a couple of them make me feel. However I also recognize that my kids are reaching an impressionable age and don't need to see daddy enjoying a couple of beers most every night. I also know that my P90X results most likely would be a lot more drastic if I hadn't been partaking in the liquid calories and subsequent munchies.
So, since I've shown the self control to do these workouts and hang with this program I think I can modify my personal happiness settings to address these issues. Since my wife doesn't drink and we don't hang out with other adults during the week, by not drinking 'alone' that should knock out 70-85% of the week's beer and beer related calories as well as demonstrating a better daddy to the kids.
I will also incorporate a 12oz glass of water prior to every alcoholic drink I consume. This should keep me hydrated (not that that's been a problem, but still), slow down consumption, and fill me up sooner. Over all I expect 90% less beer induced calories and a cleaner existence from these changes.

I will maintain my accountability to you dear reader. You are my auxiliary conscience.


CardioX and dinner are currently battling it out for supremacy of my stomach. Dinner's winning, but wait! What's this? AbripperX reinforcements! OH NOES!!!!


Hoosier Daddy said...

Oh dear, you're a beer lover too?
I did imbibe more than my alloted share last weekend myself and am paying for it now.

Starting this week I am back on the same road to no beer, more water and trying to at least get on the bike a couple times.

Doc Shazam said...

Great attitude, Wes. I love beer too, but have had NONE since starting p90x. Funny I just don't have any cravings for them.

I did have 1 1/2 margaritas last week while doing my "extra" rest week, but that's it, and they weren't even that enjoyable (one gave me a migraine!)