Sunday, March 2, 2008


Well, if it's worth doing, it's worth overdoing I guess.

While in the midst of legs&back workout, Neighbor Gene called about going on a bike ride. Ditched legs&back and hopped on the road bike and we rode OUT!


..And Rode..

..and rode..

36 miles all total for the first trip of the season! Was great fun except for the parts where my quads felt like one more PSI of push would cause them to either seize completely or blow apart like a rotted, over inflated tire. Good times. I did notice that I was pedaling in higher gear and harder than I ever have before on this bike, however while P90X has made my legs much stronger, after the second hour of it things still got hairy. Those first two hours were good though, Plyo and Legs&Back workouts definitely WORK.

The rest is simply repeated application over time.

And Neighbor Gene? Well I figure he's just a MAD MAN.

Tomorrow is back to the regularly scheduled program. Stay tuned intrepid reader!

1 comment:

Michael said...

Good job on the ride Wes and thnaks for the post. I used to ride 30 miles eache way to work last year during the months that I could. Obviously from my site and photos that stopped and ordering pizzas started, but I am back on track now. Changed jobs now, so I am only 2 miles from office whic I walk home most days from, but will miss being forced to make that ride home at the end of the day...