Friday, March 21, 2008

Friday of Week 10

It's been an weird week, have gotten all the strength workouts done but hardly anything else. I'm back on schedule having knocked out legs and back this morning and I'm hoping to get a yogax session in today as well. I'll update again later.

Okay, made some progress with YogaX. My sister recommended trying with shoes on which I did along with some generic workout gloves. This gave me a LOT more traction and kept me from sliding all over the carpet. Over all the the experience was at least 25% less miserable with these modifications.

I still don't like it. The last few astanga moves are too much for me and I suck at balance moves. Oh well, I will take Tony's advice and do my best while forgetting the rest.

Weather was nice so I went for a short run, 2 miles in 19:20. Not a great time, but a good run none the less. Also knocked out AbripperX.

I've still got CardioX on the schedule for today, we'll have to see how that works out.

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