Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Week 4, Day 3

I'm in a good mood today, the knee is feeling alright and I was able to do KenpoX today wearing the knee support. Looks like I've missed a KenpoX, YogaX, and Core Syn workout as well as an AbripperX. Not sure if I'll write them off or make them up yet. Probably make them up since running is over for now.
I have noticed I am MUCH more flexible and am gaining definition. Weight was 190.2 this morning, in case you're curious.

Got in an Abripper and 1/3 of yogaX this evening, think I'll sleep good tonight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for you. Keep pushing play, keep pushing play. I think is best to workout at lower intensity if you must than not train at all. Continuity is important to maintain gains and improve tone and cardio. I ran into the same, but pushed through even through some minor injury and more often lack of sleep before which made it very tough to get through the workouts.