Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunday Feb 22nd

I've been without mojo for most of February, on Tuesday I'm 39 years old and I'm feeling the need to shake things up so I'm giving biphasic sleeping another go. Tonight I'm sacking out at 10pm and planning to get backup at 2:30am.

I feel like I've lost my focus and my discipline is out the window. So I'm developing a new sleep/workout/work/familytime framework that I plan to strictly follow. The first step is nailing down sleep, the rest is dependent on that but is already roughed in.

Am also revisiting Getting Things Done, David Allen's personal productivity plan. It's served me well in the past but I think it's time to revisit and fine tune.

Today has been full of suck and I'm feeling worn thin. Didn't even get the neighborhood run in. Tomorrow could also be pretty crappy but I think if you try to wait for the right day to do stuff, you may never get started at all.

At least most of my resolutions are holding up.

Wish me luck.

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