Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday Day 1 on Biphasic sleep

Well, I'm up and surprisingly alert after 4.5 hours of sleep. Hard part was getting out of a warm bed but I knew you were waiting.

Got 2 episodes of Big Bang and one episode of BSG knocked out, some surfing, a PDF called 'War Vegetables' perused (for the spring garden) and some exercise done (6.5 miles ridden on the Geekiciser - laptop enabled recumbent exercise bike). Making some coffee now and feeling pretty good all in all. Also have Plyo on the schedule but I think I'm going to take it a little bit easy with the new schedule and add that back later.

Doing surprisingly well, very productive and on the ball this morning. Ready for a nap though - see you on the flip side!

Got busy and didn't get to report back until now. Was a very strange nap, slipped back and forth from very odd dreams, a couple of times I felt like a physical drop. I didn't have a polynap mp3 so I heard and was startled every time there was a slight noise. None-the-less when I decided to chuck it and go ahead and get up I found I'd been 'out' for 85 minutes and I was just ahead of the alarm! Feeling really good and in a good mood right now, had a green smoothie with a bowl of plain popcorn for lunch and a chocolate/peanut butter pure protein bar for desert. Working on my gallon of water for the day as well. Will have to make a 90min polynap mp3 for tomorrow.

Baked flounder, potato and green beans for dinner with a little chocolate cake and ice cream for desert. Yummeh

Well, all in all I'd have to call today a resounding success. Let's hope tomorrow rolls like this too.
See you in about 4.5 hours.

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