Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Biphasic sleeping day 3

Annnd we're back. Was a little less inclined to get up today but I did anyway, groggy for a few minutes longer and more intensely than have been so far. Feeling a lot like Jonathon. Going to make some coffee.

Made some coffee and turned on all the lights. That and some fast music (headphones) has really perked me up. Feel good so far this morning.
Also, I like turtles.

So I was doing some chin ups and when I was done my 6yr old son said 'my turn!' which made me proud. As I picked him up to grab the bar he farted right in my face.
So yeah, fatherhood - It's a gas. (Alternate zinger: That's my boy!)

Breakfast was 10oz of 1%milk, banana, scoop of whey protein and some chocolate syrup. Blended.

Had to nap early as I had a meeting at 12, doubt it'll have too much impact on anything, just pushed the nap up an hour earlier making the gap to the core sleep longer. Thinking about tweaking this anyway and making this schedule a stay up later rather than a get up earlier kinda gig.
Considering a stay up until 2:00, get up at 6:30 and keeping the 90 min nap.

Turkey sandwich, some pretzels and coffee for lunch, baked ziti and the last of the birthday cake for dinner. Feeling pretty good, getting kinda tired. Going to try to push back bed time until 11 tonight and keep pushing it back until we get to the 2am mark and see how that works out.

Still awake, going to do a little yoga and call it a night. See you at 3:30.

Total sleep: 6 hours

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