Saturday, July 26, 2008

Day 104 100K bike ride

So Rico peer pressures me into signing up for this 100K Ride (67 Miles) then gets sick and can't make it. I really didn't know if I was up for the whole distance, and you can turn around at the 15 Mile or 24 mile rest stops. I got to the 24 feeling pretty strong and since I told you, dear reader, that I was doing the 67, I turned right and headed on up the road. I noticed something as I hit the halfway mark and started back, the wind was picking up and was straight in my teeth. It was a long ride back.
But there was ice cream!
I'm going to take a shower and maybe flake out for a while, it occurs to me that I haven't ridden anything over 20 miles for the last 3 months. What on earth was I thinking?

Days left: 70
Drink log: 26/56 with 21 days with none.
Miles Ridden: 97.5/750
Miles Run: 3/100

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