Sunday, August 31, 2008

Holy Carp! A new plan!

Okay, so commencing tomorrow I'm off on another zany, whirlwind adventure to cut some weight. The plan is that when I kick off the NEXT P90X series in November, the progress and results will be more obviously evident. I'm shooting for 170 pounds and considerably lower body fat by Nov 1.

I've reread The Hacker's Diet and am charged up to follow the guidelines it presents for the next 9 weeks. If you haven't checked it out I highly recommend you do so now. It's a fun, free, and enlightening look (if at times slightly oversimplified IMHO) at how the body gains and loses weight. I'm incorporating the free online HD tools to avoid the elation/depression associated with logging scale readings and Fitday to track caloric intake.

Did a 5 mile run with Rico this morning, I'm going to keep up running a few times a week and some cycling (Can't let Tim ride the trail by himself too often or he'll give me grief about it). I'm also going to start doing the 'ladder' in HD with chinups added to prep a little for P90X.

We're slipping into my big gain period of the year, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas are historically bad fitness times for me. I think setting these goals now and having a plan in place may help to mitigate some of the temptations and defuse the opportunities to indulge.

Oh, here's a thing. I've also completed a week of green smoothies for breakfast. I wanted to do a week's worth before talking about it in case it turned out to be too nasty to sustain. I'm really happy to report that far from nasty, I've gotten pretty much addicted to them.
What's a green smoothie you ask? Weeeell, here's what you do. Go buy a big honkin' blender - I got this one and it's working out great. Add 2-3 hand fulls of a green leafy veggie - spinich, kale, chard, lettuce, your choice. Throw in several servings of fruit. I bought a couple of bags of mixed frozen fruit and put in 2 cups of that, apple and bananna with about a cup of water and set the whole thing to blending. The smoothie blender includes a ramrod for making everything blend which is good since sometimes it needs a little additional help to get started. When it's ready just pour it up and enjoy - keeps in the fridge until you finish it all.
This is an novel way for me to vastly increase my intake of fruits and leafy veggies, which otherwise I struggle with. There are boatloads of green smoothie recipes out on the web, just google or youtube it for more info.

Days left: 33
Drink log: 26/56 and 58 days with none.
Miles Ridden: 256.5/750
Miles Run: 38/100

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