Thursday, August 25, 2016

On the Island, what do we eat?

Day 50
190.8 this morning, 35.5 on the waist.  Acetone is down to 60.

I've been thinking about being stranded on an island again.  That is, I've never been stranded on an island, but I've thought about it before.  Specifically eating like I was stranded on an island.

We'll assume there is plenty of fresh water and fire for cooking and we'll assume there are fish, birds, wild game, nuts and other plant matter in abundance.

But that's it.

So the idea is, before putting anything in our mouth we ask ourselves if that item could be found on the island and if not then don't eat or drink it.

I started this morning.  First challenge?  Coffee.  Coffee is not on the island.  Ho boy.

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