Sunday, August 7, 2016

Day 32
189 this morning, same 35 on the waist.  1.6 miles walked with the dog and day 2 of the 90 day yoga challenge is done.  Acetone level was 67 indicating low level of ketosis and I'll be focusing on getting that number up and keeping it elevated moving forward.  Started the fast at 10am after breakfast with our visitors, I'm thinking this is going to be a multiday fast as I'm feeling like I've been a lot more slack over the last two weeks than I'm comfortable with.  Countdown clock says I've got 14 weeks left to get done whatever I can for this challenge.  Overall I'm pleased with how things are going, just want to make sure I'm minding my diligence and not letting my eyes slide off the goal.  I've been guilty of fading away in the past which is why I picked this particular time and approach - just need to stay focused on working the plan day after day.

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