Sunday, July 19, 2009

Just kidding, This is the real kickoff.

Last week was an eye opener, I'm really surprised and disappointed at how bad my P90X performance was. Back/chest and Shoulders/arms were not terrible but Plyo and then Legs/Back workout (Legs portion) sent me to the hurt locker. Would have thought with all the cycling and running that wouldn't be the case but there you go. So I'm going to consider the week as a warmup and start the 90 days over starting tomorrow.

I'm thinking 4.5 hour core sleep and a 90 minute lunch nap for the next sleep experiment. Perhaps transition to 3 hour core as some point. What I've found with the past Biphasic/Polyphasic routines is that I run out of stuff to keep me occupied and then lose the motivation to keep going with the schedule. Hard to stay fired up with all the extra time when all you really WANT to do is go lay down. I'll figure out the details today and kick off tonight as a lead in to P90X.

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