Monday, July 20, 2009

Day 1 P90X Chest&Back

It's 3:30am. I'm up after 4.5 hours of sleep. I am remarkably hungry.

Gotten some work done, gone for a walk. Can't stare at the laptop too long or I start to zone. Looking forward to some coffee and some P90X.

Rocked P90X Chest and Back workout, MUCH better than last week, feeling good. Starting the round at 165 pounds - slightly less than what I weighed upon leaving the Navy as a 24yr old in 1994 . Should be in a good place to see a lot of definition this time.

Been busy so far today, feeling fine, alert and happy. Had oatmeal with 2 scoops of chocolate whey protein and a tablespoon of peanut butter (and 2 splenda). Was pretty dang tasty!

Woke up early and on my own. Nap only ran about an hour and 5 minutes, thought about trying to go back to sleep but got up anyway. Took a few minutes to shake the fog out but I'm good to go now. Green smoothie and a bowl of plain popcorn for lunch.

Been a busy day, work is ticking along. Starting to feel pretty hungry again but that could be a Pavlovian response to hearing my wife tuning up in the kitchen. She cooks like a rockstar.

In a good mood right now. Still have AbripperX to take care of and some yoga before bed.

Got a little irritable there for a while and feeling a solid 7 out of 10 on the sleepymeter. Nothing catastrophic but I need to remember the next few days are going to be pretty big adjustments.

Yawning now, feeling pretty tired now. Got AbripperX out of the way. Need to finish up here and get some yoga knocked out, going to be sore enough from P90X as is.

Yoga is done, feeling loose and very sleepy now. Time for bed and close out Day 1.

Total Sleep 5.5 hours.
Hours gained: 3.5

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