Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Day 37 - Catch up (Ketchup?)

So.. Didja miss me?
It was a busy weekend, and not too good on my exercising. Saturday was nice out, spent a fair amount of it outside shoveling gravel and sand while helping Neighbor Ben build a patio. Remainder of the day was spent going to the park to walk the dog and family and playing with kids in the cul-de-sac. Blew of intervals on account of the shoveling.
Sunday... RAIN! Took the kids for momma to have some by herself time then came back and celebrated Mother's Day. Blew off StretchX to entertain trapped-in-the-house-because-of-rain children. Spent a fair amount of time on the Dance Dance Revolution mat, worked up a good sweat (since I lack any real sense of rhythm, tempo, or timing I compensate by flailing about violently - the ancient Vikings called this Berzerker Rage Dancing and it was invoked to shock and awe their enemies with great success).
Monday... Work was a zoo and persisted until late in the evening, traded Upper Body+ workout for CardioX and then blew it off entirely.

Today! Got up early and cranked out Upper Body+, hit it hard, and it felt GOOOD..!
Hoping to get to the pool at lunch, and that it warms up some.
Have a great day!

It was too cold for a swim so I ran instead - 3 miles in 26:20, had the throttle wide open at the end, pretending it was the end of the Tri.

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