Monday, May 4, 2009

Not dead! Day 36, Monday

Been doing alright. Not great but alright. Here on day 36 I'm in a hole. Pullups have been hurting and I slacked off entirely for 2 days. So if I can do 300 today I'll be caught up. Don't see that happening but I will do 100 burpees for sure. We'll see about the pullups.
Have put together a new schedule involving a LOT of yoga, have gotten way out of practice and started back over the weekend. Have lost a lot of flexibility and I think that's part of why I'm hurting as much as I am. Will keep you posted.

Knocked out 170 burpees and pullups today. Still owe 130, will keep paying up 50-80 day until I get caught up. I am tired.

Oh snap, I've not been updating the miles.

4/26 10
4/28 5 miles
4/30 3 miles

So, 119 for the year so far I guess.

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