48 hours in, lost 5.4lbs to 185.6. Waist is 35". Today has been fine, couple of sessions of being cold and a little tired, kept it at bay with coffee and tea. Not particularly hungry. Fast continues.
Monday, September 19, 2016
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Extended Fast
191lbs, 35.5" waist. Bloated from birthday party yesterday, today is day 1 of this fast. Acetone is 74.
Today's been fine, lots of water/coffee/La Croix. Rebooted 30 days of yoga and completed day 1 of that. Walked the dog twice today. Not particularly hungry but am getting tired, probably go clean up and then read a bit before bed.
Thanks for sticking with me here Dear Reader, keep me honest.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Failure doesn't happen when you fall down. Failure happens when you stop getting back up.
Hello Dear Reader,
Outside life got the best of me over the last two days. Well that's probably not the responsible way to put it - I gave into outside life temptations. But I'm back today, a Thursday, and I'm ready to rock.
I've gotten up, let's do this.
Monday, September 12, 2016
9 weeks left until my deadline. I've decided I must log everyday to stay on track.
35", 187 lbs, Acetone 67
Taking a page out of Tiny Habits, I'm adding a shortenedpushup/pullup/squat workout to each day based on startbodyweight progressions, also kicking off another 30 day yoga challenge and a 30 day meditation challenge.
Started water fast at 8pm yesterday, right about 24 hours in now. Ran 1.6 miles today and walked 3.1
Saturday, September 3, 2016
22 years
I met my wife 22 years ago today. Seems like a good day to get this train back on track.
35", 188.8 lbs
Taking a page out of Tiny Habits, I'm adding a shortened pushup/pullup/squat workout to each day based on startbodyweight progressions, also kicking off another 30 day yoga challenge and a 30 day meditation challenge.
Game on.