Sunday, July 31, 2016

Day 25
Weight is up, no surprise, to 187.6.  Waist stays at 35 inches.  Morning acetone reading was down to 62.  I expect it will be up in the evening.  Walked 5.7 miles and completed day 25 of yoga.

Day 24
Work casualty at 6am on a Saturday morning and then took Daughter to try driving.  Pretty sure I used up a month's worth of adrenaline today.  Only walked 1.8miles, day 24 of yoga, but didn't do a great job with eating.  Fasting tomorrow, will get back on track after this trainwreck of a week.

Day 23
183.2 and 35 inch waist, walked 6.1 miles, day 23 of yoga.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Day 22
Ugh.  Another crazy, busy, HOT day.  Got 4.7 miles walked but by the time I got a chance to workout and do yoga I didn't have any juice left in the tank.  Day 22 of yoga was lackluster at best, may try today's body weight workout again tomorrow, we'll see.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Day 21
Waist maintained at 35, weight was down to 184.2.  As expected supper yesterday knocked me out of high ketosis as indicated by a acetone reading of 49.  Ran two miles and walked another 5.2, had a decent workout and completed day 21 of yoga.  Evening acetone is back up to to 77.  Food log is here.  That's all for now.

Day 20
Fasted most of this crazy busy day and then blew it with too many carbs at supper.  Ah well.  Waist was down to 35 and weight down to 185.8.  Acetone levels were  79 and 80 for the morning and evening, only got 3.2 miles walked and day 20 of yoga was lackluster.  Will hit it harder tomorrow.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Day 19

Up again to 186.6, weekend with visitors has me off schedule a little.  Ran for the first time in a while, 2.5 miles and 2.7 walked. 95.5 so far.  Day 19 of yoga is done.  Morning and evening acetone levels were 69 and 70 respectively.  Yesterday I put together a schedule to get to half marathon distances before the all hands company event in Nov.  What I put together is based on Jeff Galloway's plan found here.  Schedule is to hit it at 6am, seems to be the coolest time of the day.

Today's food diary is here.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Day 18
This morning was a bit of a disappointment initially.  Acetone level was down to 62.  Waist stayed the same but my weight was up .8 of a pound to 185.8, not really what I was expecting or was hoping for.  All things considered though, that's less than the weight of 16oz of water so I'm not going to get crazy about it.  Also, I took the opportunity to review some of the BF% calculations and, although probably not super accurate, I really like the trends.

I started this 18 days ago at 198lbs, 40 inch waist, body fat of 26%, a fat mass of 51.3lbs and a lean mass of 146.7lbs.
Today I sit at 185.8lbs 35.5 inch waist, body fat of 18%, with a fat mass of 33.7 and a lean mass of 152.1.

So, while my weight went up this morning I need to remember that I'm getting much stronger than I was, I'm getting much more flexible, capable, and my ability to balance is better. And while I've lost 12.2 of over all weight, I've actually lost 17.6 pounds of fat and added 5.4 pounds of muscle.  I've annihilated 4.5 inches off my waist and lowered my BF% down 8%.  At least if I choose to believe my indications, and I do!

The plan works if you work the plan.

5.7 miles walked today taking the total to 90.3.  Day 18 of yoga is done.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Day 17
Same measurements as yesterday.  Walked 5 miles with dog, up to 84.6 miles.  Mowed the grass too.  Morning acetone was 68, suggesting the chinese food for supper was higher in carbs than expected.  Evening reading was back up to 86.  Day 17 yoga was completed.  Food diary here.

Day 16
Down 1lb to 185, waist down to 35.5 from 36.  BF% doesn't change a whole lot.  Still under 19%. Day 16 of yoga is done.  Felt a little off today, maybe because it's so dang hot.  Right bicep is feeling weird when I went to do pull ups.  I've been down this road before so I'm taking a two day break for some extra rest.  We'll see if getting back to 6 workouts a week is a good idea as we go, I appreciate I'm 46, not 26 anymore.  Walked 5.4 miles, up to 79.6.  Morning and evening acetone readings were 82 and 87.  Food diary here.

Day 15
Down 1.4 to 186, waist stay the same today and BF% doesn't change much either. Acetone morning and evening were 83 and 87.  Upped all the progressions on the bodyweight exercises for today's workout and was subsequently humbled.  That's okay, it's good to find areas of improvement.  Day 15 yoga is done, walked 5.1 today for 74.2 miles so far.  Food diary here.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Day 14
Down another 1lb from yesterday to 187.4, 10.6 lost in under two weeks.  Waist still measures 36, BF% still at 19, or 7% down so far.  Morning Acetone reading was 80.  5.4 miles walked, 69.1 miles so far.  Workout was pretty strong and day 14 of yoga was complete.  Pretty sure that's my longest run of daily yoga ever!  Evening Acetone is up 3 to 83.
Broke the fast after 42 hours with the last bit of the leftover meat baby, some nuts and cheese.  Supper was the super smoothie and we tried the new Halo Top low carb ice cream for a bit of desert.  We tried the BirthDay Cake flavor which my daughter loved but I found too sweet, and the Mint Chocolate Chip which I really enjoyed.

Food Diary is here.  Went over my carb limit of 25 by 6, but that's okay now and then.  Think my stomach has shrunk, having a really hard time eating my limit of calories a day but I have plenty of fuel in the tank for all the exercising so I'm going to guess I'm fat adapted and am making up any shortfalls with my own internal fuel.  That suits me just fine.

Day 13
Sorry for the late post, got caught up in 'Stranger Things' on Netflix and the evening got away from me.  Allow me to recap.
Down 2.6 to 188.4 for a 9.6lb loss since the start.  Waist stays at 36, which bumps BF% calc up about 1/2% but still under 19.  Morning Acetone and evening readings steady at 80.  Walked 5.1 miles, 63.7 so far, good workout and day 13 of yoga in the can.  No food diary because, you know, fasting.
All for now.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Day 12
Up 1.4 to 191 or 7lbs total, this could be disheartening except waist measurement is down another .5 to 36, or 4 inches lost.  BF% calculator says I'm under 19% now, down another % from yesterday  or  7% so far...  As I said before, grain of salt and all, but I'll take it!  Morning Acetone down a point to 82.  Walked 5.3 miles, for a running total of 58.6 miles.  Day 12 of yoga  and a strong workout also completed.

Food diary is here and the evening Acetone reading is 76.

Started the next fast at 6pm, aiming for a 3 day.  We'll see.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Day 11
Down another .4 to 189.6 or 8.4lbs total.  Down .5 inch to 36.5 or 3.5 inches total.  BF% calculates to 20%, down 1 from yesterday or 6% so far.  Morning Acetone was down a point to 81.  Walked 5.4 miles (53.3 miles to date) and completed day 11 of yoga.  Fasted from supper yesterday until supper today, Wife continues to support LC and we fixed a meat baby for supper.  It was goooood.  If you fix  it I recommend half as much salt though.

Discovered and executed this forearm workout today, it was intense.  I'll continue to implement on T/TH/SA moving forward.

Food diary is here and the evening Acetone reading is up two, to 83.

That's all for now!

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Day 10
Down another .4 lbs to 190, -8lbs so far.  I appreciate it's mostly water/vacation weight, but it still looks impressive.  I do expect from here on out for the big numbers to fall to the wayside and see instead smaller increments up/down with a downward trend towards my goals.  That's fine, I believe in the plan and we'll see what happens.

Waist measurement in unchanged at 37, which causes the BF% calculator to show a higher number than yesterday but I'm still calling it 21%.  Morning Acetone reading is down 2 points to 81.

I was super sore and stiff this morning, DOMS from doing Bulgarian squats mostly, so I ran through Diamond Dallas Page's 'Wake Up' routine to knock some of the rust off.  It helped a lot.

Took a long walk with Wife and Dog and racked up 4.7 miles on the green-way trails this morning.  Picked up another .5 mile on the treadmill when we got back for 5.2 miles for the day.  47.9 miles covered in 10 days, not too shabby.  BodyWeight workout today wasn't great, maybe 80% of what it should be.  Upping exercises to tougher ones and this being the first week of 6 workouts a week may have been a bit ambitious.  We'll keep plugging next week.

Wife is jumping in the low carb bandwagon and we prepared a Keto White Pizza Frittata for supper, it was a big hit, and we have half of it left over for later.

Today's food diary can be found here.

Evening Acetone reading is up a point to 82.

Aaaand, I'm spent.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Day 9
Weight is down to 190.4, -.6 from yesterday, -7.6 total.  Morning Acetone: 82, up 8 from last night.  Waist stays at 37 which keeps BF% calc pretty much the same as yesterday.  Walked 5.1 for 42.7 so far, completed a pretty strong workout as well as the 9th day of yoga.  Evening Acetone is up a point to 83.  I'm feeling good especially after a shower.  Was 99 yesterday and 96 today, spent a lot of time marinating in my own juices.
Food Diary here.  And, since no one's asked, my workout progress can be found here.

I went over my net carb goal today by about 5, but I can live with that.


Thursday, July 14, 2016

Day 8
Was back up .4lbs this morning to 191, total is 7lbs lost.  Interestingly the waist measurement is down .5 to 37 inches.  3 inches lost so far.  This take BF% down another % to 21, or 5% lost total.  Morning Acetone level was back up to 79.  Fasted until supper, had a great workout and completed day 8 of yoga.  Oh, and walked 5.2 miles for 37.6 miles traveled since starting this experiment.  I'll take it!  Diary here.

Evening Acetone is 74, good enough.

Time for a shower, goodnight!

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Day 7
This morning I was down to 190.6, down .4 and 7.4 so far.  BF% is pretty much the same.  Morning Acetone reading steady at 79.  Today has been busy, but I still picked up 4.7 miles walked for a running total of 32.4 miles so far.  Also had a pretty strong workout and yoga session.  Feeling good!
Final Acetone level was considerably lower, down to 54.  I possibly took it too soon after eating, interested to see that tomorrow looks like.  Eating diary here.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Day 6
As expected, weight is up a bit to 191, up 1.6, total of 7 lost to date.  Waist remains 37.5 interestingly enough and the BF% calculator says 21.75% or down .25 from yesterday or down 4.25% so far.  That's kind of cool and as always, taken with a grain of salt.  Morning Acetone reading is down two points to 86.

Another BW workout complete and 4.6 miles walked for a running total of 27.7 miles to date.  Evening yoga is complete and it was a really good session, I'm noticeably more comfortable and finding the poses easier just after five days of practice.  If you're not already doing yoga, I highly recommend it as an invaluable addition to any fitness routine.  Leslie Fightmaster has a 30 day beginner's challenge which I'm working on now with every intention to do her 90 day beginner/intermediate program directly after.  They are free programs but donating is encouraged.

Ended up eating considerably fewer calories today than usual with a ton of vegetable matter, a green smoothie for lunch consisting of a whole avacado, bunch of celery, 3 cups of baby spinach, a whole pealed cucumber, two tablespoons of chia seeds, whey protein, two cups of no sugar coconut milk, a fair amount of ice and a partridge in a pear tree.  Supper was 3 cups of American mix salad, some sharp cheddar cheese, 3oz of diced, grilled chicken breast and topped with a bit of blue cheese.  You can review my food log here if you'd like.

Final Acetone reading for the day is 7 points lower than this morning to 79, still in the zone of deep ketosis.

That's all for now.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Day 5
106 hours fasted.
Weight down to 189.4, down 2.2 from yesterday and a total for the fast of 8.6 pounds.  Waist down to 37.5, .75 inches from yesterday and 2.5 lost total.  BF% calculator says I'm now at 22%, down 1.25% from yesterday and 4% in total so far.  Acetone level is a new high score, up to 86.

I'll end this fast at 9am, which is 108 hours or 4 and 1/2 days.

Broke fast with 1oz Macadamia nuts, 2oz of Dubliner cheese, 4 fried eggs and 2 slices of thick cut bacon.  It was pretty awesome.  Wondering what it'll do to my Acetone level.

Acetone level is still steady at 86, two hours after eating.  Pretty cool.

Breaking a fast in that manner is strongly not advised and I knew better.  Oh well, nothing a little paint, spackle, and strong stomached plumber can't fix.

Completed my eating entries and if anyone is interested you can see it here.
Walked 4.6 miles for a total of 23.1 so far.
Completed bodyweight workout for today. (3 sets the following: pullup, horizontal rows, hanging bent leg raises, kettlebell swings.  These are my 'pull' exercises)
Completed day 5 of yoga.
Acetone reading is up to 88.  Pretty cool it's still climbing after a day of eating.  KETO WORKS.

I feel like I earned my shower today, interested in what the scale says tomorrow.  I anticipate it will be higher than today after the re-feeding.  Take care.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Day 4
Not particularly dramatic weight loss today, down to 191.6 from 192.2 yesterday, but I'll take it.  Waist is down to 38.25 though, which is 1/2 an inch less that yesterday... I dunno, bodies are weird.  Upside is that according to the body fat calculator I've dropped almost a full percent down to 23.28 so I'm safely in the Acceptable/Average category now.  Next milestone is 17% to be in the 'Fitness' range, ultimately below 13% and in the 'Athlete' range.  Please note that I take all of my readings, measurements, statistics, and calculator results with a big grain of salt.  I don't have the inclination or money to invest in DEXA scans for authoritative results but I do feel like the tools I'm using are more than sufficient for marking the trends and see if I'm heading in the right direction.  Ultimately how I feel and look and live are all that are important to me.

No Mom, I don't intend to fast long enough to get there.  I do intend to fast a little longer though.  83 hours so far.  I've run up to 96 hours twice before and this fast has been easier than any in the past so it's looking pretty good to break my personal record and hit triple digits for the first time.

Acetone levels continue to climb, latest reading was 82 and I wonder how high it will go.  I'm looking forward to re-introducing low carb foods and seeing how the numbers change.

Today's been up and down but I'm feeling good right now  94 hours fasted, pretty sure I'll make it until bed time and wake up with a new record for fasting.

Walked 5 miles today, 19 miles so far.
Day 4 of yoga completed.
Final Acetone reading of the day is also 82.


Saturday, July 9, 2016

Day 3
Was pretty cold last night but slept okay.  Trying to wrap my head around something but really struggling - Yesterday morning I was 196lbs, during the day I drank 11 pounds of fluid (gallon of water, 36oz of coffee) and before bed weighed 197lbs.  That's kind of crazy in itself, but I did work out on the 92F+ porch and did all the yard work so I can sort of get that.  THIS morning I weighed in at 192.2lbs.  I did urinate twice, but 4.6lbs is over half a gallon of water!  I guess I was burning fat and exhaling water vapor and CO2 at a pretty high rate as I slept.  Acetone level continues to rise, up seven points to 74 since last night and I have a strong metallic taste in my mouth.  Both indications of entering pretty strong ketosis and thus burning soft, gooey fat.  I am 58 hours without food, doing alright so far, seems like the secret here is lots and lots of water and supplementing sodium, potassium, and magnesium.  I take potassium in the morning, magnesium at night.  I'll also drink a PowerAid Zero moving forward.

Weight: 192.2lbs, -3.8lbs from yesterday, 5.8lbs lost total
Waist: 38.75inches, -.75 from yesterday, 1.25 lost total
BF%: 24.25, 1 from yesterday, 1.75 lost total
Verdict: Acceptable

Walked 4.8 miles today, 14 miles so far.
Day 3 yoga completed.
Acetone level up to 79, all the way up into the red zone on my meter.  Mouth tastes pretty funky.

70 hours into this fast, not hungry but a little 'off' with a mild headache.  Drank a gallon of water, 32oz of coffee and 32oz of grape poweraid, and a couple of cans of coconut La Croix sparkling water.  Been a little grumpy, wife's been cooking really good smelling stuff and everything smells stronger today.

That's all for now.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Day 2
Weighed in at 196 (-2 from yesterday, -2 total), significantly below my line diet projection, however I'm not struggling with the fast so I'll continue for now, about 34 hours in so far.  Acetone reading was only a point higher than last night, I'll keep testing and familiarizing myself with the Ketonix breath analyzer.

I was poking around Myfitnesspal and discovered on July 7th, 2012 I weighed 223lbs, 25 more than this adventure four years later.  Woof.  At least I'm not starting there again.

3.1 miles walked so far, Acetone reading now a 56.

4.6 miles walked, 9.2 so far.  Workout complete.  42 hours fasted, Acetone reading is up to 63.

Day 2 of yoga in the can, 48 hours fasted so far.  Feeling pretty good still.  Acetone is 67 for final reading of the day.

Calling it a day.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Took a 7 year break?

Well hello there Dear Reader, I hope you've been well.

Me?  I've been up and down, pretty much gaining and losing the same 15 pounds for the last 7 years.  Looking back it seems a little disheartening, but oh my, the things I have learned!  Today is July 7th, 2016 and I'm just back from vacation and starting a new adventure, you're invited to ride along if you wish.

I've got 130 days before a large work conference where my entire company's staff will also be attending.  I've picked that deadline to be as fit and healthy as I can be.  I'll be using 'The Line Diet' to determine eat/fast days based on if I am above or below my goal weight for that day.  I'll be weighing in first thing each morning.  On eating days I'll be following a keto diet, 2000 calories based on 5% carbs (from veggies), 70% natural fat, and 25% protein and tracked with MyFitnessPal.  I'm eliminating sugar/sweets/alcohol and monitoring percent body fat.  I intend to walk at least 4.5 miles a day, at least 5 days a week.  This will be a morning walk with wife and dog, plus two 30 minute sessions at my treadmill desk.  I will be undertaking a body weight training routine 6 days a week and an evening yoga program every night.

So, today being day 1, I've weighed in, taken my before pictures and measurements.  It's pretty grim.

Age: 46
Weight: 198
Waist: 40"
%BF: 26%
Fat Mass: 21 lbs
Lean Mass: 147
Verdict?  OBESE

In 130 days I'd like to be 168 lbs and a 31 inch waist which would put me at 10% body fat.  I'm aiming for 585 miles walked, one legged pistol squat with each leg, one arm assisted pull ups, handstand pushup, one arm pushup on both sides and have walking and yoga habits fully entrenched.

Day 1 notes
Drank a gallon of water, 32oz of black coffee, and a 12oz diet pepsi.  Completed Workout 1, walked 4.6 miles, and evening yoga.  Fasted all day to jump start ketosis.  From 1pm to 7pm acetone reading from my ketonix breathalyzer rose from 38 to 43, so I guess it's working.  Feel good, some slight cramping in my feet during yoga so I'll get on top of electrolytes tomorrow.  Time for a shower and some down time.