Last night was wild. Starting around midnight we had multiple massive thunderstorms come though, lightning like a strobe light, multiple strikes close and loud enough to shake the house. The kids were freaking out. That lasted on and off until around 5am. I went to bed at 11 and got up at 6:30, so 2.5 hours of fairly undisturbed sleep, with 5 hours of chaos. I guess I'll call it 6 hours although I don't feel particularly rested right now.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Day 4, YogaX
Was harder to get up this morning. Need to plan out and have the reasons for doing this fresh in mind for when the alarm clock goes off. Going for a walk now.
Busy day, no problem with nap or staying awake. Knocked out some YogaX.
Total sleep 4.5+1.5 = 6 hours
Hours gained: 11
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Day 3 P90X Shoulders and Arms
Alllmost screwed it up this morning, gotta put the feet on the floor when the alarm goes off. Really wanted to stay in bed until I stood up, okay after that.
Been productive, knocked out 100+ pages of 'Configuring Windows Server 2008 Active Directory'. It's riveting. Going for a walk before I turn to stone.
Feeling pretty good, busy-busy today.
Got a LOT done today including Shoulders&Arms and AbripperX. Seem to be waking up from my nap around 60-70 minutes, haven't slept until the alarm has gone off yet. Keep waking up around 15 minutes in thinking I've overslept, very odd. So yeah, day three and running strong on around 5.5 hours a day.
Catching up on Weeds via Netflix. Pretty tired right now.
Total sleep 5.5 hours
Hours gained: 9
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Day 2 Plyo
I'm up! This one was tougher.
Have had a walk, gotten some work done, read the internet, and knocked out the Plyometrics workout. Now coffee. Having a harder time today than yesterday, it being overcast and raining is most definitely not helping.
Sorry, been really busy today. Everything is going fine, had a great nap and woke up 10 minutes before the alarm went off, have eaten pretty well today and been on the ball. Pretty tired now and ready for bed.
Total sleep ~6hours.
Hours gained: 5.5
Monday, July 20, 2009
Day 1 P90X Chest&Back
It's 3:30am. I'm up after 4.5 hours of sleep. I am remarkably hungry.
Gotten some work done, gone for a walk. Can't stare at the laptop too long or I start to zone. Looking forward to some coffee and some P90X.
Rocked P90X Chest and Back workout, MUCH better than last week, feeling good. Starting the round at 165 pounds - slightly less than what I weighed upon leaving the Navy as a 24yr old in 1994 . Should be in a good place to see a lot of definition this time.
Been busy so far today, feeling fine, alert and happy. Had oatmeal with 2 scoops of chocolate whey protein and a tablespoon of peanut butter (and 2 splenda). Was pretty dang tasty!
Woke up early and on my own. Nap only ran about an hour and 5 minutes, thought about trying to go back to sleep but got up anyway. Took a few minutes to shake the fog out but I'm good to go now. Green smoothie and a bowl of plain popcorn for lunch.
Been a busy day, work is ticking along. Starting to feel pretty hungry again but that could be a Pavlovian response to hearing my wife tuning up in the kitchen. She cooks like a rockstar.
In a good mood right now. Still have AbripperX to take care of and some yoga before bed.
Got a little irritable there for a while and feeling a solid 7 out of 10 on the sleepymeter. Nothing catastrophic but I need to remember the next few days are going to be pretty big adjustments.
Yawning now, feeling pretty tired now. Got AbripperX out of the way. Need to finish up here and get some yoga knocked out, going to be sore enough from P90X as is.
Yoga is done, feeling loose and very sleepy now. Time for bed and close out Day 1.
Total Sleep 5.5 hours.
Hours gained: 3.5
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Just kidding, This is the real kickoff.
Last week was an eye opener, I'm really surprised and disappointed at how bad my P90X performance was. Back/chest and Shoulders/arms were not terrible but Plyo and then Legs/Back workout (Legs portion) sent me to the hurt locker. Would have thought with all the cycling and running that wouldn't be the case but there you go. So I'm going to consider the week as a warmup and start the 90 days over starting tomorrow.
I'm thinking 4.5 hour core sleep and a 90 minute lunch nap for the next sleep experiment. Perhaps transition to 3 hour core as some point. What I've found with the past Biphasic/Polyphasic routines is that I run out of stuff to keep me occupied and then lose the motivation to keep going with the schedule. Hard to stay fired up with all the extra time when all you really WANT to do is go lay down. I'll figure out the details today and kick off tonight as a lead in to P90X.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Hi there!
Well a fair amount has happened since May, I continued to train for the triathlon and felt rather good about it. Then when cycling on vacation (July 5th) I had a wreck, flipped over the handlebars and landed on my back in an intersection. Good helmet check, roadrash and a pretty bruised back.
I opted to pass on the Tri, lower back is still tender and running/cycling is not very fun.
So here's the new plan, P90X (back willing) in the mornings, yoga MWF with wife at lunch, and relaxation yoga/stretching prior to bed. May start rolling in some 10 minute trainer too.
I'm starting this round at a lower body weight and body fat than ever before, so I'm hoping this time the 6 pack is going to finally, finally, FINALLY show up. If not I may just draw them in with a Sharpie.
Oh, and today is day 194 without any alcohol. How about that?
Got up an hour late but still knocked out Chest and Back, took it pretty easy and it went well. Abripper was pretty meh, can't do half the exercises (the first 4 and mason twists ect) since that position has my entire body weight on my bruised back.
6:30 Chest/Back/Abripper, 16oz of iced green tea
7:46 20oz of coffee, 2 multivitamins, 2 vitamin Cs, green smoothie (apple, banana, spinich, frozen berries, 2 scoops of vanilla whey protein, ice and water) and a bowl of plain popcorn for breakfast
10:30 8oz 1%milk, 2 scoops chocolate whey protein
12:30 8oz 1%milk, 2 scoops chocolate whey protein, bowl of plain popcorn, 2 chocolate chip cookies. (willpower, why have thou forsaken me?)
2:00pm Serving of almonds, glass of iced green tea, 20 minutes of Yoga - wife's intro.
5:30pm 12oz Odoul's, 3.5oz of grilled chicken, serving of homemade hummus. One scoop if icecream (ARRG!)
7:00pm 45 minutes of chasing the boy around on his bike - he's learning!
9:00pm Holy Moly I are tired!