Got up about 6:30, went on a bike ride. Cut it short as it was a lot colder than I thought it would be on the greenway and my hands were hurting pretty bad. Ended up doing 5.5 miles anyway. 15 Burpees and 15 pullups done, 9985 of each to go!
8:23am: 9971 to go. (14)
8:35am: 9958 to go. (13)
8:47am: 9946 to go. (12)
8:53am: 9935 to go. (11)
9:06am: 9925 to go. (10)
12:51pm: 9916 to go. (9)
1:00pm: 9908 to go. (8)
1:05pm: 9901 to go. (7)
1:13pm: 9895 to go. (6)
1:17pm: 9890 to go. (5)
1:22pm: 9885 to go. (5)
1:24pm: 9880 to go. (5)
Oh man.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Day 1 of 10000 burpee/pullup challenge
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Sunday, pre 100 day, 10000 burpee/pullup challenge
Not much to report from last week, did some running, did some riding, burpees and pullups. SSDD.
Tomorrow I start the 10000 burpee/pullup challenge. I may have bitten off more than I can chew but you never know until you know. This will take us right up to and keep us busy until the triathlon. Plan on running three times a week with the regular plan and cycling three times a week until I can figure out some swim training. Planning on getting three abrippers and two abs/core workouts done a week and ending the days with candlelight yoga/xstretch. Fridays are rest days, nothing scheduled at all.
Next weekend is the end of 10K running training, I'll be in SC for the Cooper River bridge run. After that we start the marathon training in earnest.
2009 Miles Run: 75.5
Monday, March 23, 2009
Not so good today, another 'let's find out how many times we can get mommy and daddy out of bed' marathon. I swear the kids and the dog have some sort of bet going. Doubt I got more than 4-5 hours of sleep and no more than an hour uninterrupted all night long. Anyway not the best of Mondays and didn't feel like doing much until this evening. Got outside and played with the kids for a while then got fired up and knocked out 105 pullups. Should have done some bike time, I'm neglecting that and the triathlon is coming up fast. Have to do better. Tomorrow is burpee practice and some running.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Sunday night
Been a busy weekend. Ran about 6.5 Saturday and another 3.5 today, knocked out another 105 burpees, mowed the grass, yoga, yada yada yada. Pretty tired. Monday looks like it could be a real bear so I'm going to go ahead and call it a night pretty soon. Going to do a 6 hour core tonight and see how that goes.
2009 Miles Run: 67.5
Friday, March 20, 2009
Me and my big mouth. Planning to start a 10000 burpees in 100 days challenge next week so I thought I'd better find out if I was man enough to make the attempt. Did 105 burpees today as well as 105 pullups. Also knocked out my evening yoga, nice to see my flexibility is making progress. Should sleep well tonight.
In case you're curious this is how I got to 105:
Set of 14, rest until I stop feeling like puking.
Set of 13, ruIsflp.
Set of 12, etc..
Set of 1, lay on the floor gasping while the dog laughs at me.
Well, it should get easier, right?
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Got in a 4 mile run first thing this morning with Neighbor Sanjai, not much else other than yoga tonight. Feel like body weight is about where I'm happy with it so I'm planning on easing off the cardio some and focusing on the Tri/marathon training with some body weight exercise challenges rolled in. And yoga, that's pretty much a staple now.
2009 Miles Run: 57.5
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Felt pretty rough for the most part today, sun finally came out and I went for a run, knocked out 5 miles in 45 minutes and got my evening yoga done tonight. Expect to sleep well.
2009 Miles Run: 53.5
Monday, March 16, 2009
4 days of wet and cold. I've been lazy. Been sticking to 7 - 7.5 of sleep and eating okay. Still wet and cold but I've got a lot on the plate exercise-wise for today. May have to substitute the geeker for riding the tobacco trail, guess we'll just have to see. Starting this morning with Abscore then KenpoX. Got the bike ride for lunch and 150 pushups scheduled for today.
150 pushups knocked out, yoga, kenpo, and abscore done. Bike did not get ridden. Sue me.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Thursday - Reboot
Wow, what a day, was completely out of it until the afternoon nap. 26 min turned into about 70 but I felt much better afterwards. It's now 10:45pm and I'm rolling just fine. No exercise today but back at it hard tomorrow.
Also, today I break a personal high score of 70 days without alcohol. Today is day 71 and I'm looking forward to seeing how far this train goes. Celebrated with a diet pepsi - Blegh - seem to have lost my taste for it.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Well that was the worst night's sleep I've had in a long while. Son got up 3 times, daughter twice, dog once. But I'm up on time to go run. yay me.
2009 Miles Run: 48.5
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Slept in a little this morning, we are not adjusting to DLS well or maybe I'm just extra tired from the exercise. So far today I've run 5 miles and done 50 pushups, shooting for 130, better get my tail in gear if I'm going to hit that goal.
60 down.
80 done, going to call that good. Neighbor wants to run at 6 so I'm going to go do some stretching then hit the hay.
2009 Miles Run: 44.8
Monday, March 9, 2009
Well, slept from 12 to 6:30, didn't get out of bed until 7. Daylight savings time has the whole family sort of screwed up. I'm running late and have a lot on the schedule today. Abscore+ and Interval+ this morning, 11 mile bike ride at lunch and 130 pushups scheduled.
Abscore knocked out, 70 pushups done. Slight change of plan, I think Intervals is getting ditched and do a 22 mile bike ride instead. Mighty Tim emailed to go do the tobacco trail and I think I'm going to ride out there today.
Did 20 miles on the mtn bike, imagine I'll feel that tomorrow. Got my nap in, 90 pushups done.
110 pushups done.
130 pushups done, time for Yoga with Sarah Ivanhoe then to bed.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
A good weekend, busy and a little confusing to the kids with DLS kicking in. The weather was nice and we spend a lot of time outside. Slept a little more than normal last night and am gearing up for additional tweaking tonight.
Going to end the day with some relaxing yoga at 11 and hit the bed by midnight. Plan to get up at 6 for a morning workout and then grab a half hour nap around 2. Will see how it works out tomorrow.
Ran 6 with the neighborhood group today, good stuff.
2009 Miles Run: 39.8
Friday, March 6, 2009
Biphasicish sleeping day 12
Well, had an oversleep event today, went to bed about 11:15 and got up when wife's alarm clock went off at 6:45. I feel better for doing it am going to stick with 6-7.5 hours with a 1/2 hour daily nap. The experiment has definately gotten my discipline back more or less in line with where it needs to be and I'm happy with how my daily schedule works out. I get up in time for a round of exercise, then help with kids/breakfast routine to get them out the door before getting to work. In the evening after work I hang with family and after kids are in bed I have some guilt free me time.
So far today I've knocked out abripper (21/25 reps per exercise) and a 5.5 mile run. 20 pushups completed.
12:36pm - 50 pushups done.
3:22pm - 80 done.
4:22pm - 100 done.
5:46pm - 120 done.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Biphasic sleeping day 11
Went to bed at midnight, awake at 6, out of bed at 6:30am. Have Intervals+, some yoga, and 120 pullups on the schedule.
7:39 - 20 pullups done.
8:39 - 30 done.
12:02 - 70 done.
12:30pm - Took a 26 minute polynap.
7:30pm - 90 done.
9:00pm - 100 done.
9:10pm - 110 done.
9:53pm - 120 done.
Also got Interval+ and some time on the stationary bike done. Will go do some evening yoga here in a while.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Biphasic sleeping day 10
Went to bed at 11:30 and was awake before 6:30. Took a 20 min nap and have been functioning very well today. Knocked out some YogaX and a ride. Loooong day at work.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Biphasic sleeping day 9
Hard time getting moving today, been up since 6 but the kids are on a 2 hour snow delay and we've been lazy this morning. I am pretty sore today, February was not good to me. Glutes, lower back and abs are feeling pretty rough.
Got some KenpoX and treadmill work done today, still pretty sore. Going to try 7 hours tonight, 11 - 6 and see how that goes with the extra exercise. Been feeling 'muddy' and feel like I need more rest.
I'm still way ahead of the 9-10 hours I was doing in Jan/Feb.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Biphasic sleeping day 8
Got up about an hour ago, just now getting down to the pc to blog about it. We got a bunch of snow last night and that's thrown the morning routine right out the window. Whole family's been hanging out 'on the big bed'. I work from home so it's going to be tough to be productive with the kids home from school, contemplating taking the day off.
On deck for today is P90X Plyometrics, P90X Abripper, some time on the geekeciser (recumbant bike) and 100 pullups. And shoveling the driveway which I'm about to do now and let the kids play in the snow.
20 pullups done. Time to shovel.
Shoveling is done, 30 pullups done.
Abripper (20 out of 25 reps) is done, 40 pullups knocked out.
50 pullups done.
5 miles ridden, first 20 min of PLYO done. 70 pullups completed. 26 minute polynap taken.
Dinner (baked spaghetti). 90 pullups completed. Forgot about the gallon of water today started drinking it at dinner. Probably going to regret start this late.
100 pullups done. Need to remember to do yoga tonight.
Holy moly I am tired.
Finished yoga and feel good but I'm spent. Lot of activity today so I'm going to punch out an hour early. Back by 6:30am tomorrow.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Biphasic sleeping day 7
I'm up after 6 but sure would like to grab another 90 min. Sunday morning and it is cold and nasty outside.
It's fit for neither man nor beast outside, perfect for a nap. I happened to notice we're 60 days (or two months or 1/6th of the way) into the year today and I'm doing pretty well on my resolutions. Am still Alcohol, Tobacco, Hard Drugs, Cannibalism, Anatidaephobia, Injury, Rabies, and Soft Drinks free. Some of those have been pretty easy to do without, some like alcohol and soft drinks (Diet pepsi) have been harder.
Been a pretty good day, the 6 hour core with a 25ish minute nap seems to have suited me pretty well for the last two days. Tomorrow starts the second phase, we're going to be reintroducing some P90X workouts and get refocused on the triathlon/marathon work. Need to be looking for some additional projects, since I'm down from 9.5 hours a night to 6.5 I'm finding I've got some time on my hands.