Hi there. At 4:30 this morning I realized that it being Saturday it may be difficult if not impossible to get an 90 min nap. Things worked out yesterday with a 6 hour core and 20 min nap so we'll shoot for that and if I can get a longer nap then that'll just help as I continue to shift the core sleep times around.
Been a pretty good day, got some miles ridden ate okay and got a 90 min nap in. Total sleep is up to 7.5 hours today so I'll try to stay up later tonight before the 4.5 core sleep.
Total sleep: 7.5 hours
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Biphasic sleeping day 6
Friday, February 27, 2009
Biphasic sleeping day 5
I'm up. Opted for an extra 90 last night for a 6 hour core sleep instead of 4.5 as I transition to the new go-to-bed time.
Been a good day so far, went for a 5 mile run which could have been better but at least it was nice enough to get out and do it. Have had a green smoothie and popcorn today, some coffee and am working on the GoW.
Well only got a 20 min nap today but I'm doing alright. Targeting midnight-1am for bedtime. Didn't eat that great, taco bell for dinner. Tasty though.
Made it to midnight, think I'm going to go get ready and sack out. Catch you around 4:45
Total sleep: 6 hours 20 min
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Biphasic sleeping day 4
Harder to get up, but I made it. Sleep quality was not as good due to dog and children but I'll manage. Entertained thoughts of adding another 90 min and going back to sleep but I got up anyway.
Just an update to let you know I'm fine. Took a few minutes get going but I put the coffee on and took advantage of the off hours to do a little server maintenance than needed to be done. Going to slip upstairs and see about catching another episode of BSG.
Making another round of coffee. Feel a little weary but not bad. Plan to push the nap back to 12:30 or 1pm. Do want to keep it around traditional lunch times, see that working out with the rest of the world better in the long run if it is feasible.
Been a good day, having a time with the 90 minute naps, keep waking up at the 1 hour mark thinking it's time to get up. If it continues I'll just go ahead a get up. Did 12:30 to 2pm today. Think that may be the sweet spot, we'll see how it shakes out as I continue to rotate the core time. Shooting for a 12am - 4:30 timeframe tonight.
Haven't been super hungry today, had a big green smoothie and some popcorn, gallon of water that I drink everyday now, and coffee. Not sure what's on deck for dinner. Knocked out the first 30 minutes of YogaX today and felt pretty good for holding my own after a long time away. Got to figure out what next week's PT schedule is going to be.
Feeling kinda tired now, been hanging out on the sofa reading some and feel a bit zonked. Going to try for midnight tonight but we'll have to see how that goes.
Yeah, pretty dang tired now.
Total sleep: 6 hours
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Biphasic sleeping day 3
Annnd we're back. Was a little less inclined to get up today but I did anyway, groggy for a few minutes longer and more intensely than have been so far. Feeling a lot like Jonathon. Going to make some coffee.
Made some coffee and turned on all the lights. That and some fast music (headphones) has really perked me up. Feel good so far this morning.
Also, I like turtles.
So I was doing some chin ups and when I was done my 6yr old son said 'my turn!' which made me proud. As I picked him up to grab the bar he farted right in my face.
So yeah, fatherhood - It's a gas. (Alternate zinger: That's my boy!)
Breakfast was 10oz of 1%milk, banana, scoop of whey protein and some chocolate syrup. Blended.
Had to nap early as I had a meeting at 12, doubt it'll have too much impact on anything, just pushed the nap up an hour earlier making the gap to the core sleep longer. Thinking about tweaking this anyway and making this schedule a stay up later rather than a get up earlier kinda gig.
Considering a stay up until 2:00, get up at 6:30 and keeping the 90 min nap.
Turkey sandwich, some pretzels and coffee for lunch, baked ziti and the last of the birthday cake for dinner. Feeling pretty good, getting kinda tired. Going to try to push back bed time until 11 tonight and keep pushing it back until we get to the 2am mark and see how that works out.
Still awake, going to do a little yoga and call it a night. See you at 3:30.
Total sleep: 6 hours
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Biphasic sleeping day 2
I'm up! Little harder getting out of bed this morning but did okay. Going to sleep was harder too, I think I was stressing about getting to sleep because there was only 4.5 hours and didn't want to waste them. Listened to the polynap white noise and that seemed to help.
Feeling a little bit squirrelly around the edges but got a lot of reading done this morning. Planned on going for a run but it's only 20 here. Will try to hit the treadmill instead. Working on some coffee.
Coffee and turning on the lights seems to have made the difference. Online, feeling fine.
Good day, busy as sin. Crashed for my nap and woke up in panic that I've over slept but still had half an hour to go. Good energy and focus and got to spend a little time on the treadmill for a fast mile run. Starting to yawn now, hot shower after the run seems to have zonked me pretty good. Time to put Kid #2 to bed now.
Check out time, finished the day with some Crunch Candle Light Yoga. I recommend it.
Sleep schedule 10pm-2:30am (4.5) + 11:30am - 1pm(1.5 )
2009 Miles Run: 27.8
Body weight: 172.6
Monday, February 23, 2009
Monday Day 1 on Biphasic sleep
Well, I'm up and surprisingly alert after 4.5 hours of sleep. Hard part was getting out of a warm bed but I knew you were waiting.
Got 2 episodes of Big Bang and one episode of BSG knocked out, some surfing, a PDF called 'War Vegetables' perused (for the spring garden) and some exercise done (6.5 miles ridden on the Geekiciser - laptop enabled recumbent exercise bike). Making some coffee now and feeling pretty good all in all. Also have Plyo on the schedule but I think I'm going to take it a little bit easy with the new schedule and add that back later.
Doing surprisingly well, very productive and on the ball this morning. Ready for a nap though - see you on the flip side!
Got busy and didn't get to report back until now. Was a very strange nap, slipped back and forth from very odd dreams, a couple of times I felt like a physical drop. I didn't have a polynap mp3 so I heard and was startled every time there was a slight noise. None-the-less when I decided to chuck it and go ahead and get up I found I'd been 'out' for 85 minutes and I was just ahead of the alarm! Feeling really good and in a good mood right now, had a green smoothie with a bowl of plain popcorn for lunch and a chocolate/peanut butter pure protein bar for desert. Working on my gallon of water for the day as well. Will have to make a 90min polynap mp3 for tomorrow.
Baked flounder, potato and green beans for dinner with a little chocolate cake and ice cream for desert. Yummeh
Well, all in all I'd have to call today a resounding success. Let's hope tomorrow rolls like this too.
See you in about 4.5 hours.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Sunday Feb 22nd
I've been without mojo for most of February, on Tuesday I'm 39 years old and I'm feeling the need to shake things up so I'm giving biphasic sleeping another go. Tonight I'm sacking out at 10pm and planning to get backup at 2:30am.
I feel like I've lost my focus and my discipline is out the window. So I'm developing a new sleep/workout/work/familytime framework that I plan to strictly follow. The first step is nailing down sleep, the rest is dependent on that but is already roughed in.
Am also revisiting Getting Things Done, David Allen's personal productivity plan. It's served me well in the past but I think it's time to revisit and fine tune.
Today has been full of suck and I'm feeling worn thin. Didn't even get the neighborhood run in. Tomorrow could also be pretty crappy but I think if you try to wait for the right day to do stuff, you may never get started at all.
At least most of my resolutions are holding up.
Wish me luck.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Weds the 18th
Last weekend was a push and I'm still feeling it.
Saturday I took the mountain bike out for 15 miles. First time on a bike for about 4 months. Sunday was a 5 mile run with the neighbors which we did in under 47 minutes.
Monday and Tuesday my butt and calves have been screaming at me. Going to try to run today if the weather clears up, maybe use the treadmill if I have too. Need to do some yoga as well.
The Tri in July is looming, only 5 months left to prepare.
2009 Miles Run: 26.8
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Just a quick note. I've been dealing with some lower back pain, no real exercise and a really black mood this week. Hopefully I'm rolling out of it now. Big 5 mile run this coming weekend.
Last Saturday was the Krispy Kreme Challenge, two mile run, dozen donuts, two miles back. It was disgusting. Only ate 2 donuts and that was more than enough. Was a fun run though. Here's a video that I'm not in:
2009 Miles Run: 21.8
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Sorry about the lack of posts. Haven't been feeling the P90X+ love. Considering taking a break from the program and working on Tri training. Last Sunday we ran with the neighborhood folks for 4 miles which felt pretty good. Yesterday I hit the pool for the first time since the Triathlon last summer. Did over a half a mile and no ill effects today. Need to get a run in today too but it's pretty cold out and I'm really hating the treadmill. We'll see.
In other news, I've been w/o alcohol and keeping up with most of the rest of my resolutions except for french fries and profanity. It's rare, but sometimes you just NEED some fries damnit.
2009 Miles Run: 17.8