Friday, July 24, 2009

Day 5, WHAT A STORM and legs&back

Last night was wild. Starting around midnight we had multiple massive thunderstorms come though, lightning like a strobe light, multiple strikes close and loud enough to shake the house. The kids were freaking out. That lasted on and off until around 5am. I went to bed at 11 and got up at 6:30, so 2.5 hours of fairly undisturbed sleep, with 5 hours of chaos. I guess I'll call it 6 hours although I don't feel particularly rested right now.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day 4, YogaX

Was harder to get up this morning. Need to plan out and have the reasons for doing this fresh in mind for when the alarm clock goes off. Going for a walk now.

Busy day, no problem with nap or staying awake. Knocked out some YogaX.

Total sleep 4.5+1.5 = 6 hours
Hours gained: 11

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Day 3 P90X Shoulders and Arms

Alllmost screwed it up this morning, gotta put the feet on the floor when the alarm goes off. Really wanted to stay in bed until I stood up, okay after that.

Been productive, knocked out 100+ pages of 'Configuring Windows Server 2008 Active Directory'. It's riveting. Going for a walk before I turn to stone.

Feeling pretty good, busy-busy today.

Got a LOT done today including Shoulders&Arms and AbripperX. Seem to be waking up from my nap around 60-70 minutes, haven't slept until the alarm has gone off yet. Keep waking up around 15 minutes in thinking I've overslept, very odd. So yeah, day three and running strong on around 5.5 hours a day.

Catching up on Weeds via Netflix. Pretty tired right now.

Total sleep 5.5 hours
Hours gained: 9

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Day 2 Plyo

I'm up! This one was tougher.

Have had a walk, gotten some work done, read the internet, and knocked out the Plyometrics workout. Now coffee. Having a harder time today than yesterday, it being overcast and raining is most definitely not helping.

Sorry, been really busy today. Everything is going fine, had a great nap and woke up 10 minutes before the alarm went off, have eaten pretty well today and been on the ball. Pretty tired now and ready for bed.

Total sleep ~6hours.
Hours gained: 5.5

Monday, July 20, 2009

Day 1 P90X Chest&Back

It's 3:30am. I'm up after 4.5 hours of sleep. I am remarkably hungry.

Gotten some work done, gone for a walk. Can't stare at the laptop too long or I start to zone. Looking forward to some coffee and some P90X.

Rocked P90X Chest and Back workout, MUCH better than last week, feeling good. Starting the round at 165 pounds - slightly less than what I weighed upon leaving the Navy as a 24yr old in 1994 . Should be in a good place to see a lot of definition this time.

Been busy so far today, feeling fine, alert and happy. Had oatmeal with 2 scoops of chocolate whey protein and a tablespoon of peanut butter (and 2 splenda). Was pretty dang tasty!

Woke up early and on my own. Nap only ran about an hour and 5 minutes, thought about trying to go back to sleep but got up anyway. Took a few minutes to shake the fog out but I'm good to go now. Green smoothie and a bowl of plain popcorn for lunch.

Been a busy day, work is ticking along. Starting to feel pretty hungry again but that could be a Pavlovian response to hearing my wife tuning up in the kitchen. She cooks like a rockstar.

In a good mood right now. Still have AbripperX to take care of and some yoga before bed.

Got a little irritable there for a while and feeling a solid 7 out of 10 on the sleepymeter. Nothing catastrophic but I need to remember the next few days are going to be pretty big adjustments.

Yawning now, feeling pretty tired now. Got AbripperX out of the way. Need to finish up here and get some yoga knocked out, going to be sore enough from P90X as is.

Yoga is done, feeling loose and very sleepy now. Time for bed and close out Day 1.

Total Sleep 5.5 hours.
Hours gained: 3.5

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Just kidding, This is the real kickoff.

Last week was an eye opener, I'm really surprised and disappointed at how bad my P90X performance was. Back/chest and Shoulders/arms were not terrible but Plyo and then Legs/Back workout (Legs portion) sent me to the hurt locker. Would have thought with all the cycling and running that wouldn't be the case but there you go. So I'm going to consider the week as a warmup and start the 90 days over starting tomorrow.

I'm thinking 4.5 hour core sleep and a 90 minute lunch nap for the next sleep experiment. Perhaps transition to 3 hour core as some point. What I've found with the past Biphasic/Polyphasic routines is that I run out of stuff to keep me occupied and then lose the motivation to keep going with the schedule. Hard to stay fired up with all the extra time when all you really WANT to do is go lay down. I'll figure out the details today and kick off tonight as a lead in to P90X.

Monday, July 13, 2009


Hi there!
Well a fair amount has happened since May, I continued to train for the triathlon and felt rather good about it. Then when cycling on vacation (July 5th) I had a wreck, flipped over the handlebars and landed on my back in an intersection. Good helmet check, roadrash and a pretty bruised back.

I opted to pass on the Tri, lower back is still tender and running/cycling is not very fun.

So here's the new plan, P90X (back willing) in the mornings, yoga MWF with wife at lunch, and relaxation yoga/stretching prior to bed. May start rolling in some 10 minute trainer too.

I'm starting this round at a lower body weight and body fat than ever before, so I'm hoping this time the 6 pack is going to finally, finally, FINALLY show up. If not I may just draw them in with a Sharpie.

Oh, and today is day 194 without any alcohol. How about that?

Got up an hour late but still knocked out Chest and Back, took it pretty easy and it went well. Abripper was pretty meh, can't do half the exercises (the first 4 and mason twists ect) since that position has my entire body weight on my bruised back.

6:30 Chest/Back/Abripper, 16oz of iced green tea
7:46 20oz of coffee, 2 multivitamins, 2 vitamin Cs, green smoothie (apple, banana, spinich, frozen berries, 2 scoops of vanilla whey protein, ice and water) and a bowl of plain popcorn for breakfast
10:30 8oz 1%milk, 2 scoops chocolate whey protein
12:30 8oz 1%milk, 2 scoops chocolate whey protein, bowl of plain popcorn, 2 chocolate chip cookies. (willpower, why have thou forsaken me?)
2:00pm Serving of almonds, glass of iced green tea, 20 minutes of Yoga - wife's intro.
5:30pm 12oz Odoul's, 3.5oz of grilled chicken, serving of homemade hummus. One scoop if icecream (ARRG!)
7:00pm 45 minutes of chasing the boy around on his bike - he's learning!
9:00pm Holy Moly I are tired!

Monday, May 25, 2009

May 25th a new day and a new schedule.

Started the strength workout of P90X and Abripper today, good workouts. Rode 13 miles on the Mtn bike at lunch. Did about half an hour of yoga this evening. Expect to sleep well tonight.

Here's the new schedule -this is a work in progress, but it looks doable/challenging:

Mon AM P90X + Abripper
lunch Ride - 20mile road (road bike has a flat had to substitute today)
evening Random yoga

Tues AM 5K (Kenpo)
lunch SWIM
evening CL Yoga

Wed AM P90X + Abripper
lunch Tobacco Trail Ride w/ Mighty Tim
evening StretchX

Thur AM 5K-5M run
lunch SWIM
evening Random yoga

Fri AM P90X + Abripper
lunch yogaX pt1
evening yogaX pt2

Sat AM Group RUN
lunch ???
evening CL Yoga

lunch ???
evening StretchX

Thursday, May 21, 2009

May 21st What happened?

Well, quite a bit actually. Let me summarize.
Burpees/pullups challenge has been called off. I've got some tendonitus in my elbows and even a full week off didn't help too much. Oh well, knocked out over 4100. Still running and preparing for the Tri in July and trying to do yoga as much as possible. Still making good on the resolutions for the year and I'm happy to report they survived five days of open bar at the out of town conference. Was nice to find out I am infact still able to hold my end of conversations and still be interesting without a buzz. I'll admit it's more work, and I probably benefitted from everybody ELSE drinking but hey, I'll take it.

Miles for 2009: 132 so far.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Friday, May 8th. Day 40

So today I'll hit 4000 burpees/pullups. Wow.

Tuesday ran 4 with Neighbor Sanjai, Thurs did a solo 8.3 and got soaked in a surprise shower.

Miles for 2009: 113.3 so far.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Not dead! Day 36, Monday

Been doing alright. Not great but alright. Here on day 36 I'm in a hole. Pullups have been hurting and I slacked off entirely for 2 days. So if I can do 300 today I'll be caught up. Don't see that happening but I will do 100 burpees for sure. We'll see about the pullups.
Have put together a new schedule involving a LOT of yoga, have gotten way out of practice and started back over the weekend. Have lost a lot of flexibility and I think that's part of why I'm hurting as much as I am. Will keep you posted.

Knocked out 170 burpees and pullups today. Still owe 130, will keep paying up 50-80 day until I get caught up. I am tired.

Oh snap, I've not been updating the miles.

4/26 10
4/28 5 miles
4/30 3 miles

So, 119 for the year so far I guess.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Saturday Day 27

Been a pretty rough week. Had to put the family dog to sleep. Fell behind on the 10000 day challenge a couple of times, rallied and am caught up to 2700 today. Took family to the zoo and did a fair amount of walking today. Thinking about a long run tomorrow.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Saturday Day 20

Friday, day 19: Work was a zoo, dropped the ball again and only knocked out 40 pullups. So 1860 burpees and 1800 pullups (100 behind!)
Rode 18.5 on the bike today, did 140 burpees and 200 pullups (eventually) to take us to 2000 for the day. 1/5th of the way there!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thursday, day 18

Was busy today. Did get out at lunch and ran 8 miles. This afternoon Tim suggested doing burpee's for time so I knocked them out as hard as I could. Got 18 done the first minute (thought I'd do better there) but was able to get to 100 just shy of 11 minutes. I'll take it. Did an extra 20 for my normal 120 for the day but pullups took a hit. Only did 20 of them today. Tomorrow is my scheduled 'rest' day so I guess I'll just have to suck it up and knock out the other 100 to be back up to speed.

1860 burpees so far, 1760 pullups.
Miles for 2009: 101 miles run.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Weds, day 17

Monday did 132 to catch up and cycled 10 miles or so. Tues did 120 and ran 4 miles. Weds rode 8.5 and knocked out 120. Up to 1740.

Have really ramped up the protein, will share the latest diet in a week if it looks worthwhile. Been sleeping too much, have fallen back on bad habits. Need to work on that.

Miles for 2009: 93

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday, Day 14

Hope have a good day, my diet/fitness plan for the day is shot. Oh well try again tomorrow.

B&P totals: 1368 complete of each - 32 behind!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Saturday, Day 13

Thursday ran 3, ran out of gas & time on burpees/pullups. Stopped at 80.

Friday was supposed to be a rest day, work was crazy, but caught up the extra 40 pullups.

Saturday, 160 burpees & 120 pullups, cycled 17.5 on the trail bike.

B&P totals: 1320 complete of each

Miles for 2009: 89

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Wednesday Day 10

Monday knocked out my 120 of burpee/pullups, drove for 6 hours and went for a 10 mile bike ride.
Tuesday I went for a 4 mile run with neighbor Sanjai, knocked out my 120 burpees/pullups, went for a 2 mile walk and played catchup at work.
Wednesday I broke the 1000 mark doing burpees/pullups. HOLY COW. Also, still around 9000 to do...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Day 7 feeling it.

Pretty sore. Knocked out 120 burpees, 160 pullups, all caught up. Last day of vacation.

720 Burpees, 720 pullups.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Day 6, Cooper River 10K

Did the Cooper River 10K today and I'm pretty tired. Used some saved up burpees and pullups today. Tried to do pullups but my abs revolted.

600 Burpees done, 560 Pullups.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Friday, Day 5. Oh Shrimp.

Yesterday I figured out I could do my pullups on a patio swing chair if I held my legs out in front of me.

Today I discovered how much of an abs workout that entailed. They are screaming from the first set today.

Only got 80 Pullups done, going to owe some.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thursday Day 4

First 3 days were a challenge but doable. On vacation to day 8 and I don't see a way do to do pullups. Will have to figure something out there or make them up.

A few milestones: As of yesterday I way less than I have in 15 years (since I left the navy), I've been alcohol free for over 90 days, I'm in far better health, I can run farther, cycle farther and do many more pushups/pullups than I ever have before. And yesterday I got my first speeding ticket in 15 years. Guess I got cocky.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Day 1 of 10000 burpee/pullup challenge

Got up about 6:30, went on a bike ride. Cut it short as it was a lot colder than I thought it would be on the greenway and my hands were hurting pretty bad. Ended up doing 5.5 miles anyway. 15 Burpees and 15 pullups done, 9985 of each to go!

8:23am: 9971 to go. (14)
8:35am: 9958 to go. (13)
8:47am: 9946 to go. (12)
8:53am: 9935 to go. (11)
9:06am: 9925 to go. (10)
12:51pm: 9916 to go. (9)
1:00pm: 9908 to go. (8)
1:05pm: 9901 to go. (7)
1:13pm: 9895 to go. (6)
1:17pm: 9890 to go. (5)
1:22pm: 9885 to go. (5)
1:24pm: 9880 to go. (5)

Oh man.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sunday, pre 100 day, 10000 burpee/pullup challenge

Not much to report from last week, did some running, did some riding, burpees and pullups. SSDD.

Tomorrow I start the 10000 burpee/pullup challenge. I may have bitten off more than I can chew but you never know until you know. This will take us right up to and keep us busy until the triathlon. Plan on running three times a week with the regular plan and cycling three times a week until I can figure out some swim training. Planning on getting three abrippers and two abs/core workouts done a week and ending the days with candlelight yoga/xstretch. Fridays are rest days, nothing scheduled at all.

Next weekend is the end of 10K running training, I'll be in SC for the Cooper River bridge run. After that we start the marathon training in earnest.

2009 Miles Run: 75.5

Monday, March 23, 2009


Not so good today, another 'let's find out how many times we can get mommy and daddy out of bed' marathon. I swear the kids and the dog have some sort of bet going. Doubt I got more than 4-5 hours of sleep and no more than an hour uninterrupted all night long. Anyway not the best of Mondays and didn't feel like doing much until this evening. Got outside and played with the kids for a while then got fired up and knocked out 105 pullups. Should have done some bike time, I'm neglecting that and the triathlon is coming up fast. Have to do better. Tomorrow is burpee practice and some running.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sunday night

Been a busy weekend. Ran about 6.5 Saturday and another 3.5 today, knocked out another 105 burpees, mowed the grass, yoga, yada yada yada. Pretty tired. Monday looks like it could be a real bear so I'm going to go ahead and call it a night pretty soon. Going to do a 6 hour core tonight and see how that goes.

2009 Miles Run: 67.5

Friday, March 20, 2009


Me and my big mouth. Planning to start a 10000 burpees in 100 days challenge next week so I thought I'd better find out if I was man enough to make the attempt. Did 105 burpees today as well as 105 pullups. Also knocked out my evening yoga, nice to see my flexibility is making progress. Should sleep well tonight.

In case you're curious this is how I got to 105:
Set of 14, rest until I stop feeling like puking.
Set of 13, ruIsflp.
Set of 12, etc..
Set of 1, lay on the floor gasping while the dog laughs at me.

Well, it should get easier, right?

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Got in a 4 mile run first thing this morning with Neighbor Sanjai, not much else other than yoga tonight. Feel like body weight is about where I'm happy with it so I'm planning on easing off the cardio some and focusing on the Tri/marathon training with some body weight exercise challenges rolled in. And yoga, that's pretty much a staple now.

2009 Miles Run: 57.5

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Felt pretty rough for the most part today, sun finally came out and I went for a run, knocked out 5 miles in 45 minutes and got my evening yoga done tonight. Expect to sleep well.

2009 Miles Run: 53.5

Monday, March 16, 2009


4 days of wet and cold. I've been lazy. Been sticking to 7 - 7.5 of sleep and eating okay. Still wet and cold but I've got a lot on the plate exercise-wise for today. May have to substitute the geeker for riding the tobacco trail, guess we'll just have to see. Starting this morning with Abscore then KenpoX. Got the bike ride for lunch and 150 pushups scheduled for today.

150 pushups knocked out, yoga, kenpo, and abscore done. Bike did not get ridden. Sue me.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thursday - Reboot

Wow, what a day, was completely out of it until the afternoon nap. 26 min turned into about 70 but I felt much better afterwards. It's now 10:45pm and I'm rolling just fine. No exercise today but back at it hard tomorrow.

Also, today I break a personal high score of 70 days without alcohol. Today is day 71 and I'm looking forward to seeing how far this train goes. Celebrated with a diet pepsi - Blegh - seem to have lost my taste for it.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Well that was the worst night's sleep I've had in a long while. Son got up 3 times, daughter twice, dog once. But I'm up on time to go run. yay me.

2009 Miles Run: 48.5

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Slept in a little this morning, we are not adjusting to DLS well or maybe I'm just extra tired from the exercise. So far today I've run 5 miles and done 50 pushups, shooting for 130, better get my tail in gear if I'm going to hit that goal.

60 down.

80 done, going to call that good. Neighbor wants to run at 6 so I'm going to go do some stretching then hit the hay.

2009 Miles Run: 44.8

Monday, March 9, 2009


Well, slept from 12 to 6:30, didn't get out of bed until 7. Daylight savings time has the whole family sort of screwed up. I'm running late and have a lot on the schedule today. Abscore+ and Interval+ this morning, 11 mile bike ride at lunch and 130 pushups scheduled.

Abscore knocked out, 70 pushups done. Slight change of plan, I think Intervals is getting ditched and do a 22 mile bike ride instead. Mighty Tim emailed to go do the tobacco trail and I think I'm going to ride out there today.

Did 20 miles on the mtn bike, imagine I'll feel that tomorrow. Got my nap in, 90 pushups done.

110 pushups done.

130 pushups done, time for Yoga with Sarah Ivanhoe then to bed.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


A good weekend, busy and a little confusing to the kids with DLS kicking in. The weather was nice and we spend a lot of time outside. Slept a little more than normal last night and am gearing up for additional tweaking tonight.
Going to end the day with some relaxing yoga at 11 and hit the bed by midnight. Plan to get up at 6 for a morning workout and then grab a half hour nap around 2. Will see how it works out tomorrow.

Ran 6 with the neighborhood group today, good stuff.

2009 Miles Run: 39.8

Friday, March 6, 2009

Biphasicish sleeping day 12

Well, had an oversleep event today, went to bed about 11:15 and got up when wife's alarm clock went off at 6:45. I feel better for doing it am going to stick with 6-7.5 hours with a 1/2 hour daily nap. The experiment has definately gotten my discipline back more or less in line with where it needs to be and I'm happy with how my daily schedule works out. I get up in time for a round of exercise, then help with kids/breakfast routine to get them out the door before getting to work. In the evening after work I hang with family and after kids are in bed I have some guilt free me time.

So far today I've knocked out abripper (21/25 reps per exercise) and a 5.5 mile run. 20 pushups completed.

12:36pm - 50 pushups done.
3:22pm - 80 done.
4:22pm - 100 done.
5:46pm - 120 done.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Biphasic sleeping day 11

Went to bed at midnight, awake at 6, out of bed at 6:30am. Have Intervals+, some yoga, and 120 pullups on the schedule.

7:39 - 20 pullups done.
8:39 - 30 done.
12:02 - 70 done.
12:30pm - Took a 26 minute polynap.
7:30pm - 90 done.
9:00pm - 100 done.
9:10pm - 110 done.
9:53pm - 120 done.

Also got Interval+ and some time on the stationary bike done. Will go do some evening yoga here in a while.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Biphasic sleeping day 10

Went to bed at 11:30 and was awake before 6:30. Took a 20 min nap and have been functioning very well today. Knocked out some YogaX and a ride. Loooong day at work.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Biphasic sleeping day 9

Hard time getting moving today, been up since 6 but the kids are on a 2 hour snow delay and we've been lazy this morning. I am pretty sore today, February was not good to me. Glutes, lower back and abs are feeling pretty rough.

Got some KenpoX and treadmill work done today, still pretty sore. Going to try 7 hours tonight, 11 - 6 and see how that goes with the extra exercise. Been feeling 'muddy' and feel like I need more rest.

I'm still way ahead of the 9-10 hours I was doing in Jan/Feb.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Biphasic sleeping day 8

Got up about an hour ago, just now getting down to the pc to blog about it. We got a bunch of snow last night and that's thrown the morning routine right out the window. Whole family's been hanging out 'on the big bed'. I work from home so it's going to be tough to be productive with the kids home from school, contemplating taking the day off.

On deck for today is P90X Plyometrics, P90X Abripper, some time on the geekeciser (recumbant bike) and 100 pullups. And shoveling the driveway which I'm about to do now and let the kids play in the snow.

20 pullups done. Time to shovel.

Shoveling is done, 30 pullups done.

Abripper (20 out of 25 reps) is done, 40 pullups knocked out.

50 pullups done.

5 miles ridden, first 20 min of PLYO done. 70 pullups completed. 26 minute polynap taken.

Dinner (baked spaghetti). 90 pullups completed. Forgot about the gallon of water today started drinking it at dinner. Probably going to regret start this late.

100 pullups done. Need to remember to do yoga tonight.

Holy moly I am tired.

Finished yoga and feel good but I'm spent. Lot of activity today so I'm going to punch out an hour early. Back by 6:30am tomorrow.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Biphasic sleeping day 7

I'm up after 6 but sure would like to grab another 90 min. Sunday morning and it is cold and nasty outside.

It's fit for neither man nor beast outside, perfect for a nap. I happened to notice we're 60 days (or two months or 1/6th of the way) into the year today and I'm doing pretty well on my resolutions. Am still Alcohol, Tobacco, Hard Drugs, Cannibalism, Anatidaephobia, Injury, Rabies, and Soft Drinks free. Some of those have been pretty easy to do without, some like alcohol and soft drinks (Diet pepsi) have been harder.

Been a pretty good day, the 6 hour core with a 25ish minute nap seems to have suited me pretty well for the last two days. Tomorrow starts the second phase, we're going to be reintroducing some P90X workouts and get refocused on the triathlon/marathon work. Need to be looking for some additional projects, since I'm down from 9.5 hours a night to 6.5 I'm finding I've got some time on my hands.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Biphasic sleeping day 6

Hi there. At 4:30 this morning I realized that it being Saturday it may be difficult if not impossible to get an 90 min nap. Things worked out yesterday with a 6 hour core and 20 min nap so we'll shoot for that and if I can get a longer nap then that'll just help as I continue to shift the core sleep times around.

Been a pretty good day, got some miles ridden ate okay and got a 90 min nap in. Total sleep is up to 7.5 hours today so I'll try to stay up later tonight before the 4.5 core sleep.

Total sleep: 7.5 hours

Friday, February 27, 2009

Biphasic sleeping day 5

I'm up. Opted for an extra 90 last night for a 6 hour core sleep instead of 4.5 as I transition to the new go-to-bed time.

Been a good day so far, went for a 5 mile run which could have been better but at least it was nice enough to get out and do it. Have had a green smoothie and popcorn today, some coffee and am working on the GoW.

Well only got a 20 min nap today but I'm doing alright. Targeting midnight-1am for bedtime. Didn't eat that great, taco bell for dinner. Tasty though.

Made it to midnight, think I'm going to go get ready and sack out. Catch you around 4:45

Total sleep: 6 hours 20 min

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Biphasic sleeping day 4

Harder to get up, but I made it. Sleep quality was not as good due to dog and children but I'll manage. Entertained thoughts of adding another 90 min and going back to sleep but I got up anyway.

Just an update to let you know I'm fine. Took a few minutes get going but I put the coffee on and took advantage of the off hours to do a little server maintenance than needed to be done. Going to slip upstairs and see about catching another episode of BSG.

Making another round of coffee. Feel a little weary but not bad. Plan to push the nap back to 12:30 or 1pm. Do want to keep it around traditional lunch times, see that working out with the rest of the world better in the long run if it is feasible.

Been a good day, having a time with the 90 minute naps, keep waking up at the 1 hour mark thinking it's time to get up. If it continues I'll just go ahead a get up. Did 12:30 to 2pm today. Think that may be the sweet spot, we'll see how it shakes out as I continue to rotate the core time. Shooting for a 12am - 4:30 timeframe tonight.

Haven't been super hungry today, had a big green smoothie and some popcorn, gallon of water that I drink everyday now, and coffee. Not sure what's on deck for dinner. Knocked out the first 30 minutes of YogaX today and felt pretty good for holding my own after a long time away. Got to figure out what next week's PT schedule is going to be.

Feeling kinda tired now, been hanging out on the sofa reading some and feel a bit zonked. Going to try for midnight tonight but we'll have to see how that goes.

Yeah, pretty dang tired now.

Total sleep: 6 hours

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Biphasic sleeping day 3

Annnd we're back. Was a little less inclined to get up today but I did anyway, groggy for a few minutes longer and more intensely than have been so far. Feeling a lot like Jonathon. Going to make some coffee.

Made some coffee and turned on all the lights. That and some fast music (headphones) has really perked me up. Feel good so far this morning.
Also, I like turtles.

So I was doing some chin ups and when I was done my 6yr old son said 'my turn!' which made me proud. As I picked him up to grab the bar he farted right in my face.
So yeah, fatherhood - It's a gas. (Alternate zinger: That's my boy!)

Breakfast was 10oz of 1%milk, banana, scoop of whey protein and some chocolate syrup. Blended.

Had to nap early as I had a meeting at 12, doubt it'll have too much impact on anything, just pushed the nap up an hour earlier making the gap to the core sleep longer. Thinking about tweaking this anyway and making this schedule a stay up later rather than a get up earlier kinda gig.
Considering a stay up until 2:00, get up at 6:30 and keeping the 90 min nap.

Turkey sandwich, some pretzels and coffee for lunch, baked ziti and the last of the birthday cake for dinner. Feeling pretty good, getting kinda tired. Going to try to push back bed time until 11 tonight and keep pushing it back until we get to the 2am mark and see how that works out.

Still awake, going to do a little yoga and call it a night. See you at 3:30.

Total sleep: 6 hours

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Biphasic sleeping day 2

I'm up! Little harder getting out of bed this morning but did okay. Going to sleep was harder too, I think I was stressing about getting to sleep because there was only 4.5 hours and didn't want to waste them. Listened to the polynap white noise and that seemed to help.

Feeling a little bit squirrelly around the edges but got a lot of reading done this morning. Planned on going for a run but it's only 20 here. Will try to hit the treadmill instead. Working on some coffee.

Coffee and turning on the lights seems to have made the difference. Online, feeling fine.

Good day, busy as sin. Crashed for my nap and woke up in panic that I've over slept but still had half an hour to go. Good energy and focus and got to spend a little time on the treadmill for a fast mile run. Starting to yawn now, hot shower after the run seems to have zonked me pretty good. Time to put Kid #2 to bed now.

Check out time, finished the day with some Crunch Candle Light Yoga. I recommend it.

Sleep schedule 10pm-2:30am (4.5) + 11:30am - 1pm(1.5 )
2009 Miles Run: 27.8
Body weight: 172.6

Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday Day 1 on Biphasic sleep

Well, I'm up and surprisingly alert after 4.5 hours of sleep. Hard part was getting out of a warm bed but I knew you were waiting.

Got 2 episodes of Big Bang and one episode of BSG knocked out, some surfing, a PDF called 'War Vegetables' perused (for the spring garden) and some exercise done (6.5 miles ridden on the Geekiciser - laptop enabled recumbent exercise bike). Making some coffee now and feeling pretty good all in all. Also have Plyo on the schedule but I think I'm going to take it a little bit easy with the new schedule and add that back later.

Doing surprisingly well, very productive and on the ball this morning. Ready for a nap though - see you on the flip side!

Got busy and didn't get to report back until now. Was a very strange nap, slipped back and forth from very odd dreams, a couple of times I felt like a physical drop. I didn't have a polynap mp3 so I heard and was startled every time there was a slight noise. None-the-less when I decided to chuck it and go ahead and get up I found I'd been 'out' for 85 minutes and I was just ahead of the alarm! Feeling really good and in a good mood right now, had a green smoothie with a bowl of plain popcorn for lunch and a chocolate/peanut butter pure protein bar for desert. Working on my gallon of water for the day as well. Will have to make a 90min polynap mp3 for tomorrow.

Baked flounder, potato and green beans for dinner with a little chocolate cake and ice cream for desert. Yummeh

Well, all in all I'd have to call today a resounding success. Let's hope tomorrow rolls like this too.
See you in about 4.5 hours.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunday Feb 22nd

I've been without mojo for most of February, on Tuesday I'm 39 years old and I'm feeling the need to shake things up so I'm giving biphasic sleeping another go. Tonight I'm sacking out at 10pm and planning to get backup at 2:30am.

I feel like I've lost my focus and my discipline is out the window. So I'm developing a new sleep/workout/work/familytime framework that I plan to strictly follow. The first step is nailing down sleep, the rest is dependent on that but is already roughed in.

Am also revisiting Getting Things Done, David Allen's personal productivity plan. It's served me well in the past but I think it's time to revisit and fine tune.

Today has been full of suck and I'm feeling worn thin. Didn't even get the neighborhood run in. Tomorrow could also be pretty crappy but I think if you try to wait for the right day to do stuff, you may never get started at all.

At least most of my resolutions are holding up.

Wish me luck.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Weds the 18th

Last weekend was a push and I'm still feeling it.
Saturday I took the mountain bike out for 15 miles. First time on a bike for about 4 months. Sunday was a 5 mile run with the neighbors which we did in under 47 minutes.

Monday and Tuesday my butt and calves have been screaming at me. Going to try to run today if the weather clears up, maybe use the treadmill if I have too. Need to do some yoga as well.

The Tri in July is looming, only 5 months left to prepare.

2009 Miles Run: 26.8

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Just a quick note. I've been dealing with some lower back pain, no real exercise and a really black mood this week. Hopefully I'm rolling out of it now. Big 5 mile run this coming weekend.

Last Saturday was the Krispy Kreme Challenge, two mile run, dozen donuts, two miles back. It was disgusting. Only ate 2 donuts and that was more than enough. Was a fun run though. Here's a video that I'm not in:

2009 Miles Run: 21.8

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Sorry about the lack of posts. Haven't been feeling the P90X+ love. Considering taking a break from the program and working on Tri training. Last Sunday we ran with the neighborhood folks for 4 miles which felt pretty good. Yesterday I hit the pool for the first time since the Triathlon last summer. Did over a half a mile and no ill effects today. Need to get a run in today too but it's pretty cold out and I'm really hating the treadmill. We'll see.
In other news, I've been w/o alcohol and keeping up with most of the rest of my resolutions except for french fries and profanity. It's rare, but sometimes you just NEED some fries damnit.

2009 Miles Run: 17.8

Friday, January 30, 2009

P90X+ Day 5

I'm up

Thursday, January 29, 2009

P90X+ Day 4

I'm up.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

P90X+ Day 3 Kenpo Cardio+

I'm up!

Knocked out Kenpo Cardio+ today, I'm getting better with not as much flailing around this time. Didn't get a nap today, and I've been feeling a little out of it. Hope it's just me adjusting to getting up on time and the weather and not me getting sick.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

P90X+ Day 2, IntervalX+, Run, YogaX

Hey 6:06am and I'm up! Almost messed it up and went back to sleep, but knew you were waiting. Thanks!

Crappy day today. Did get IntervalX+ knocked out in the morning and a fair amount of YogaX at lunch. Pushing the run off until tomorrow, still need to adjust this schedule.

Time for some evening yoga (Crunch's Candlelight session w/ Sara Ivanhoe) then to bed.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Just Kidding, this is day 1 of P90X+

Last week was a trial run, did 90% of what I was supposed to but found some issues with the route that conflicted with some of the other training I want to do. So I reworked it and will start today.
I need to start the mornings a little better. I'm up an hour earlier than normal but I'm also up an hour later than I wanted to be. Not sure why I'm spending so much time sleeping. Oh well, let's workout.

Knocked out Total Body+ and AbsCore. Did a bunch of extra pull ups. I really want to be able to crank out a hundred good pull ups by the end of the year.

As an attempt to reinforce my discipline I'm going to get back to posting as soon as I get up in the morning. Tomorrow's target is 6am - not sure why I'm finding this to be so difficult. Lazy I guess.

Oh, forgot to mention a good 3 mile neighborhood run last Sunday. The marathon training is picking up slowly but steadily.

Now it's time for a little yoga then bed.

2009 Miles Run: 13.8

Monday, January 19, 2009

P90X+ Day 1. Holy cow, it's TOTAL BODY+

Well, I got my butt handed to me this morning. Came in all smug, fired up, and thinking this'd be a cake walk after finishing P90. Yeah, not so much.

I had to hit pause before the WARMUP was finished! What's up with that?

Was a great workout, one I'm sure I'll be feeling tomorrow too. The new pullup rack worked well although I see a few tweaks I need to make for a little better stability. The pace is really fast in this workout and I got to swinging on it more than I liked.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

P90X Day 91 END OF P90X!

Well today finishes this round of P90X. I took it as a rest day and just did a neighborhood run. All in all I'm pleased with the results, I'm 11 pounds lighter than I was this time last year and I didn't do the historical blow up over the holidays. This time of year is the hardest by far for me and I'm proud things went as well as they did.
I've lost about 6 pounds of overall weight and tomorrow I'll take the measurements to see how my body changed. I feel great and think I look pretty good for a guy about to be 39. Still want better definition though.

I think tomorrow will start a round of the P90X+ lean program. That should tie in well with the triathlon training and marathon program. Considering throwing in a round or two of 10 minute trainers during the day to keep the metabolism high and ending the day with some yoga. We'll have to see how all that works out.

Stay tuned dear reader, things are about to get a little more interesting!

2009 Miles Run: 10.8

Saturday, January 17, 2009

P90X Day 88 StretchX and a Run

Did the run first, Xstretch feels good after that.

2009 Miles Run: 10.8

P90X Day 90 Yoga

Yoga today which is fine. Last night was pretty miserable, my son had some sort of stomach issue and splatter painted a couple of the bedrooms during the night. Fantastic mess.

Also! Built an 8ft chin up rack today, now I'm ready for P90X+ !! The little in-door-frame bar I have has been on my nerves for months, today I finally decided to do something about it. Spent $40 for lumber and pipe and 'Big Bertha' was born! I'll put up pictures later.

P90X Day 89 Core Syn

Seems a little easy at this point. Is nice to see me crushing the rep counts from the early days.

P90X Day 87 Shoulders&Arms, Final AbripperX

Made up the last of the weight lifting workouts today and did the last abripperX. Looking forward to P90X+!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

P90X Day 86 Core Syn.. NO WAIT! PLYO!

Core syn seemed a little weak today, so I did Plyo instead.

Did 2 miles on the treadmill too.

2009 Miles Run: 8.8, about time to start picking this up some. Need to figure out a swimming solution soon too for the 1-2 triathlons this year.

Monday, January 12, 2009

P90X Day 85 Chest and Back makeup workout

Well I failed miserably at getting up on time today. Don't even remember the alarm going off, will have to try something different tomorrow.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

P90X Day 84, Rest w/ Neighborhood run

Had a good turnout for the neighborhood 2 mile run today and it was a lot of fun. Took it easy and had some good family time, finishing up with some crunch candlelight yoga. Starting a new schedule tomorrow to get some discipline back so want to rest well tonight.

P90X Day 83 Kenpo

One of my favorite workouts. Looking forward to building on it with Kenpo+ next.

P90X Day 82 Legs&Back, AbripperX

Last one for this round and that makes me happy. This workout has made weekends hard to sit for 3 MONTHS now. Good workout though.

Running low on Abrippers. Funny, I used to think this 15 minutes was hard. Not so much now, think I'm ready for Abs-core+

P90X Dy 81 Yogax and a run

Better at Yogax today but I still prefer other yoga workouts. I'll admit that this one is still the hardest. Also spent some time on the treadmill, for 1.7 mile run.

2009 Miles Run: 6.8

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

P90X Day 80 Back&Biceps, AbripperX

Not much to report, solid workout. Last time for this round of P90X.

P90X Day 79 Plyo & run

Well got plyo done anyway. Work got crazy and I didn't have time or inclination to do the run, maybe tomorrow.

P90X Day 78 Chest/Shoulders/Tri

Almost forgot abripper this morning, but realized it a few minutes into the warm up. Knocked it out then did Chest/Shoulder/Triceps. Good workout, last time for this round of P90X.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

P90X Day 77 So much for a rest day.

Knocked out KenpoX this morning to catch me up on P90X. Supposed to do a 2.5 mile neighborhood run but it got canceled due to rain. Ran on the treadmill instead.

Back to work tomorrow. Uh, yay, I guess.

2009 Miles Run: 5.1

P90X Day 76

Made up legs&back today. Picked up some more O'Douls for when the beer temptation hits, had Rico and his family over for dinner and we drank a few with chili. I'm really, really, really tired of the legs&back workout. It still makes my glutes hurt for the rest of the weekend.

New Year's resolutions are still rolling along. The Profanity Free challenge seems to be the most subtle yet difficult one so far.

P90X Day 75 Rest/Drive

Spent the day behind the wheel driving back home from vacation. After 5.5 hours of that I was pretty well spent. Will swap today for my rest day on Sunday.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

P90X Day 74 Yoga & First run of 2009

Did well on my resolutions although it was touch and go when the boy pulled my wedding ring off and immediately dropped it into the bench seat we were sitting on while out at dinner. So the waiter and I got to be the spectacle and tear the seat apart while the food cooled on the table. Ring was recovered and I refrained from swearing like the sailor I was so it's all good.

Run went surprisingly well, 2.6 miles in 22:30. Liking the new running shoes and running on a flat island. Tomorrow is 5.5 hour drive back home, then hit the ground running with work. Good times.

2009 Miles Run: 2.6