Sunday, June 29, 2008

Day 2 at the beach

So yeah, I'm on vacation this week. Friday night had 2 real beers and 3-4 O'Douls Amber. Yesterday 2 real beers and 4 jack n' diet pepsies and one O'douls Amber. 8 drinks gone. 1/7 of what I'm allowed for the entire challenge. Holy crap.

Rode 19.5 miles this morning. Have StretchX scheduled and we're spending a lot of time in the pool.

1 Mich Ultra beer, 3 O'Douls to log for today. Guess that puts us at 9.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Day 82 CardioX

I'm up, only half hour late. Woot!
I'm pretty sore and could have gladly slept another hour or so. Maybe CardioX will work some of the pain away.

CardioX was an okay workout, I sweated but not like crazy. Will need to hit abs core plus some time today. Wife wants a lunch date so looks like the pool may be out unless I can hit it this afternoon. Today is the last day of school for the kids and tonight starts my week of vacation.
This week was supposed to be a recovery week but I swapped it for the first week of phase 4 so I could do recovery stuff (no special gear) while I'm at the beach. I will be taking running shoes, swim suit, and road bike and will still be training for the tri. I'll have a week after vacation and then knock it out. I'm ready to have it behind me.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Day 81

I'm up! Late, but up. I'm working on it.

Well, had to pull some daddy-duty and watch the boy for a while, didn't get to ride tobacco trail but was able to do Shoulders&Arms. Another rocker of a workout, felt mighty good and it's nice to see I'm retaining the same level of strength from the last time I did the workout.

So apparently cutting back on the legs workout was a good idea, I'm still pretty sore this week, but it isn't miserable like it's been.

Okay, I put a link to the Drinky-Dink Log (now with turbo gauge!) in the upper right of the blog. Check it out. You know you want to. Note the default number of drinks per day is zero. Just need to keep it that way. :)
PS - I sorta freaked out a little when I saw that this challenge doesn't end until OCTOBER.

So no drinks tonight, not a big deal today. Let's hope it stays that way.
DrinkyDay: 1
Drinks Today:0
Total Drinks: 0

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

100 days to go, time for a new challenge

So the triathlon is about to be here and gone, next week is vacation and P180X+ is ticking right along. Clearly it is time to shake things up a little.
So here's the next challenge:
For the next 100 days I will average less than 4 drinks a week or I will fail this challenge. Between 3-4 drinks a week is a no bonus pass. 2-3 drinks is pass with small bonus. 1-2 drinks is a pass with the small bonus and a weekend trip. A drink is defined as 12oz of 4% beer, 1.5oz of 80 proof liquor, or 5oz of 11% wine.

In other words:
More than 56 drinks over the next 100 days and I fail, I guess I'll have to post pix of me mowing the neighbor's yards in a pink tutu.

43-56 drinks over the next 100 days then I pass, but no bonus.

29-42 drinks over the next 100 days then I pass and earn one of these ($99 value)

14-28 drinks over the next 100 days then I pass, win the netflix box and wife and I are taking a weekend trip for two (TBD).

Less than 14 drinks over the next 100 days? You tell me...

Day 80

This morning is hosed, whole house overslept. I'm pretty sore.

Alrighty. Just finished Kenpo Cardio Plus and I may have just found my new favorite workout. I'll admit I was doing a good bit of flailing around at the beginning (much to my wifes delight), but it's pretty easy to get the hang of since you work through a set of 4 moves then repeat it before going to the next set. Worked up a mighty sweat and some of the soreness out.

I forgot about abripper yesterday so that's on my list for today, maybe an afterwork session at the pool too.

No pool time today, just as well still pretty tired from Kenpo Plus. Got abripper done.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Day 79, wow

I'm running late and I'm sore as all get out (chest and triceps singing harmony with lats), but I'm up.
Legs and swimming planned for today.

Got the legs workout done, only did 15 reps when they called for 25 for the glute exercises. Hoping that will allow me to function for the rest of the week. Also only got 400 meters done in the pool, upper body is shredded.

I get to go the dentist at 3. I hate that plaque bastard.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Day 78 Start of Phase 4

I'm up!
P90X Chest&Back workout this morning. Haven't done this one in a loooong time.

That's a good workout and I cranked it pretty hard. Pushups and pullups!

I've got a replacement tube for the mountain bike, going to try to get that fixed and hit the trail with the Mighty Tim today.

Have a good one!

Rode a good bit of the trail, 14.5 miles in 58 minutes. Kept it in gear 3/5 for the whole ride - felt strong.

Already feeling soreness in the Lats from this morning, oh boy.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Day 77 last day of phase 3

Hi, I've actually been up for a while but so has my son.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Day 76

I'm up.

15.5 miles in 58 minutes on the bike this morning. I've got either legs or Kenpo today, will see how it goes. I've also got daddy duty all day and a birthday party to take the kids to this afternoon. Should be fun.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Day 75

We had a big thunderstorm last night which had dog and kids acting like crazy people. Didn't get a lot of sleep and am having a tough time getting going this morning.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Day 74, When. Does the Hurting. Stop..?

I'm up.

Got upperbody+ done, hit it pretty hard. Butt and legs are still cold writhing wads of misery but I'm sort of used to it now. Maybe riding the trail will loosen them up.

Went to go meet the Mighty Tim and my front tire is flat. May be for the best.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Day 73. Ow ow ow ow ow

Well, true to form, my butt and legs feel like someone savaged them with a meat tenderizer. I'm up and contemplating alternatives to Plyo which I just don't see happening.

Got the swim in, did a 1000 meters. Felt pretty good! Got ab ripper to do some time today as well. Butt and legs still hurt.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Day 72 Legs and Swim

I'm up. I'll be honest, right now I don't want to be, but I am.

Knocked out Legs workout, wonder if my glutes will hurt tomorrow. What do you think? Going to try the pool at lunch if the weather holds.

Oh Man, swimming was HARD today. Upper body is still ripped up from yesterday's workout. Only did 10 laps, hope to do better tomorrow.

This is cool, DietFacts has a huge database of restaurant food and drinks and you can export their nutrition info straight into your Fitday account. Give it a shot here: .

Monday, June 16, 2008

Day 71

I'm up!
2 mile run in 18:44, then UpperBody+ workout done. Now to get Fitday up to speed.

17.5 miles ridden on the Tobacco Trail with the Mighty Tim, finished in 85 Minutes.

I'm sorta tired!

Here's the link to my fitday progress:

I'll put it on the sidebar as well. I went back and forth as to which tool I wanted to use to keep track of this stuff, ended up back with fitday since I can make the info public. If you want a different tool that seems to have a more complete database then check out . They also have a browser toolbar and mobile access that fitday does not. I'm actually compromising by using their nutritional info lookups to for my fitday account. Both are free.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Day 70 Happy Father's Day

Pretty much chilling out this weekend, feeling better. Should be back to the grindstone tomorrow.

I realize my intensity has dissipated some since summer has rolled around. I'd estimate my P90 performance at no better than 75 percent. Ab workouts have become almost extinct. I've fallen hard off my 'no enjoying beer solo' rule. My nutrition tracking and weight monitoring has ceased. Photo's have stopped entirely.

That being said, there's no doubt I'm still in better shape than I've been in in the last 20 years, but there is MUCH room for improvement. After this weekend of reflection and relaxation I've prepared a few re-affirmations:

1) Weight and nutrition tracking using Fitday so that progress can be tracked here.
2) Re-commit to the P90X+ plan for the remaining 110 days including Ab workouts.
3) Re-commit to the 'no enjoying beer solo' rule.
4) Rework the morning routine and get up earlier to ensure the 1st workout takes place.
5) Try to take more photos. (I hate this part)
6) Consume my body weight in grams of protein a day.
7) Post first thing to be accountable for getting up on time.

Oh man, just finished StretchX and I feel awesome.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Day 68, the MEH continues

Yesterday rode the whole tobbaco trail with the Mighty Tim, 17.5 miles. Still feeling run down and keep allowing other things to get a higher priority than P90. Today I'm run down, feeling like I'm working on a head cold. Considering just doing nothing at all today and see if I feel better tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Day 66 Meh.

Not doing too good today, noticed I was hungry when I went to bed last night and am just plain out of gas this morning. Have Plyo and pool time scheduled, we'll see how it goes.

Only did 12 laps at the pool, not feeling the love this week.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Day 65

I'm up. Thinking about a short run while it's still relatively cool. Legs workout today and hopefully some laps at the pool.
Yee haa!

2 Mile run this morning, was nearly 80 at 7am. Legs workout got interupted when wife's car needed some work but I got a fair amount in. Pool scene was very easy on the eyes, I love bikini season. Managed to get 15 laps in too!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Day 64 - Rested

I'm up, Upperbody+ and either a run or ride today. Took the weekend off to let the calf heal. Spent some time at the pool with the kids and sweated my butt off doing some yard work. Feel good today.

Met up with the Mighty Tim and rode the entire Tobacco Trail today, 17.5 miles in 85 minutes. Bike computer said it was 105, all I know is that it was HOT.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Day 61

I'm up. Going to knock out Upper body+ from yesterday out then see how the right calf responds to the legs workout.

Upperbody: GO
Legs: NO GO

Going to hit the pool at lunch, may try legs again this afternoon.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Day 60

Running late this morning, lots of sleep interruptions last night and I'm feeling foggy on top of tired and sore. Should make for an interesting day.
On Deck: 3 Mile run, 13+ Mile Cycle at lunch, and Upper body+ workout sometime today. Oh and it's supposed to be 99 here. Good times.

Got the run done, went ahead and did 3.2 (5K) since I was feeling good. Time was 27:51.

It was pretty hot on the tobacco trail today, the Mighty Tim and I rode at a pretty quick pace and I ended up doing 15 miles in about 70 minutes. At the very end of the ride I went to make the turn off back to my car and the bike went out from underneath me. Fair amount of road rash, ribs and shoulder are sore and I pulled my right calf muscle pretty bad. Hope nothing is torn.

I'm not sure at this point if I'm going to attempt Upper Body+ today or not.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Day 59

6:30. I am sore. Plyo and swimming on the schedule for today. Have a good one!

Oh man, Plyo the day after Legs is not pretty. Good workout though, not as sore as I was when I got up. Hoping to hit the pool at lunch.

The pool was a success. I swapped up the breath to stroke ratio from 4:1 to 3:1. This has me taking a breath on both sides which felt unnatural to me, but I started it on the 5th lap and was able to do another 20 using that technique. I felt like I had a lot more air in my lungs and wasn't as fatigued at the end of each lap.

So. 1250 meters today. I'll take it.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Day 58

I'm up. That's all I have to say about that.

Morning workout became morning work, got to the pool at lunch and did 800 meters. Swimming is harder the day after upper body+, but doable. Still sweating the swim portion of the Tri.

Legs for an afternoon workout, good times. I think I like the original P90X workouts better than the plus ones. Maybe I haven't spent enough time with them yet.

Peas out!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Day 57

Well, it's 6:15 instead of 5:30 but I'm up and going for run. Good morning to you.

2 mile run/walk in 18:24, when I was running I was hauling booty! About 3/4 of the way through mile one I got this weird pain in my right hip, walk/run seemed to alleviate it and its mostly gone now. Guess I need to stretch better.

Upper body went well, I'm tired.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Day 56 - Oy

P180X+ has taken a hit over the last couple of weeks. I've got to do better than this. Tomorrow starts phase 3 and it looks to be more intense so maybe it'll hold my attention a little better. Yesterday morning was a hike with the family after which I hit the pool and swam a 1000 meters before mowing the grass. Today I'm feeling pretty weary. Maybe I'll be better after some coffee.

Well, got all motivated and decided to do the cycle and run portions of the Tri back to back. It was 92 degrees and windy as a chihuahua after a 3 bean burritos binge. By the time I got back to the house (15.4 miles in 56 minutes) I wasn't running anywhere. Had myself a nice lay on the floor and stare at the ceiling fan session instead.

It's clear that I have my work cut out for me and I haven't respected this event as much as I should have. And yet, why oh why do I keep watching this and thinking "The swim is only 6 times the distance I'm already having to do... It's only 112 mile bike ride, I've done that before..."

I'm pretty sure there's something very wrong with me.