Chest/shoulders/triceps this morning went pretty well although at first my heart wasn't really in it. Abripper this evening. More cold and rain today, am really getting sick of it. Looking forward to getting outside again.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Decided to take yesterday off so did Kenpo this morning and intend to do StretchX later. Weather is cold and raining today so I'm stuck inside with the family. At this point the walls are starting to close in.
BTW, the new no drinking alone plan seems to working pretty well, the neighbors came over Friday night and we had a big time. I made Diet Raspberry Sex for the ladies while the gentlemen stuck mostly with beers. The water rule didn't get adhered to, will have to try it again later.
Diet Raspberry Sex
1 oz Raspberry Vodka (69cal per oz)
3 oz Oceanspray light Cranberry juice (5cal per oz)
splash Diet 7 up (0cal)
Mix to taste in rocks glass over ice. Garnish with orange slice.
Friday, March 28, 2008
So I tried lifting weights, but, they're just so heavy...
Sinuses acting up again and I'm feeling a little toasted in general. Missing that last 'rest' week that I skipped to get done early. Yesterday YogaX (pronounced "Yo Gax") just didn't happen although I did a good bit of house cleaning, bike riding with the kids outside and took a walk at lunch with wife and the dog. Was beautiful yesterday and will be today as well.
Got up late and only had time for 1/2 of legs and back, pull ups have gotten much better and maybe I won't suffer all weekend with 'gluteus painius maximus' this time.
I'm absolutely sick of CardioX. The doubles routine has put that in front of me so many times I think I've got it memorized. Glad I can turn off the banter. ONE WEEK TO GO (of weight routines anyway) and I've started planning for what's next. I'm looking at a 26 week hybrid P90X and P90X+ routine that looks absolutely NUTS! I'm stoked and will post the details as I hammer them out.
Stay tuned fearless reader!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Weds morning:
I feel like somebody sandblasted my sinuses. Nose, back of my eyes, sides of my face all feel pretty rough. I'm going to take take some Advil and see how it goes.
Got Back and Bicep knocked out, that is definitely a workout to make you feel big'n'mighty. I was so pumped up I could hardly wash my hair in the shower.
Weather was really nice today so I went for run, 3 miles in 28:26. It makes me wonder what other accomplishments occur today out there in the world because of Advil and delusions of grandeur.
Also took care of AbripperX, was pretty easy today.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Plyo this morning and I went a short run (all the way to the mailbox and back!). Getting sick of CardioX 4 times a week, so may hit Core Syn tonight instead. Really, really ready for it to get and stay warm now.
Anyone checked out P90X+ yet? Wondering what the new workouts replace out of the original P90X schedule.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Yesterday was StretchX and lots of outside time with the family, today it's turned cold again so I'm glad we got out while we could. Knocked out Chest/Shoulders/Tris this morning, that's a good workout. Cracks me up when Phil tells Tony to 'get away from me', I know how he feels. Abripper and CardioX tonight.
Here's a trick I've been using for a while with good results - prior to the morning workout I take a 200mg caffeine pill with a glass of water. This works great for keeping everything pumping during the workout and I don't end up tanking before the end. Your mileage may vary.
Lastly I've made myself a new promise. From now on if no one else is imbibing, then I won't be either. Let me explain: I like beer. A lot. I like the taste, the smell, the way a couple of them make me feel. However I also recognize that my kids are reaching an impressionable age and don't need to see daddy enjoying a couple of beers most every night. I also know that my P90X results most likely would be a lot more drastic if I hadn't been partaking in the liquid calories and subsequent munchies.
So, since I've shown the self control to do these workouts and hang with this program I think I can modify my personal happiness settings to address these issues. Since my wife doesn't drink and we don't hang out with other adults during the week, by not drinking 'alone' that should knock out 70-85% of the week's beer and beer related calories as well as demonstrating a better daddy to the kids.
I will also incorporate a 12oz glass of water prior to every alcoholic drink I consume. This should keep me hydrated (not that that's been a problem, but still), slow down consumption, and fill me up sooner. Over all I expect 90% less beer induced calories and a cleaner existence from these changes.
I will maintain my accountability to you dear reader. You are my auxiliary conscience.
CardioX and dinner are currently battling it out for supremacy of my stomach. Dinner's winning, but wait! What's this? AbripperX reinforcements! OH NOES!!!!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Did Kenpo this morning, took the family for a walk and mowed the grass. Got the weekly 'my butt hurts blues' from legs and back workout yesterday so that's cool - consistency is important to the universe.
As I head into week 11, I'm seeing the end of P90X on the horizon and am wondering what to do next. I've got a number of cycling events and a triathlon schedule for this year so running, cycling and swimming will certainly be happening with higher frequencey and intensity but still...
Friday, March 21, 2008
Friday of Week 10
It's been an weird week, have gotten all the strength workouts done but hardly anything else. I'm back on schedule having knocked out legs and back this morning and I'm hoping to get a yogax session in today as well. I'll update again later.
Okay, made some progress with YogaX. My sister recommended trying with shoes on which I did along with some generic workout gloves. This gave me a LOT more traction and kept me from sliding all over the carpet. Over all the the experience was at least 25% less miserable with these modifications.
I still don't like it. The last few astanga moves are too much for me and I suck at balance moves. Oh well, I will take Tony's advice and do my best while forgetting the rest.
Weather was nice so I went for a short run, 2 miles in 19:20. Not a great time, but a good run none the less. Also knocked out AbripperX.
I've still got CardioX on the schedule for today, we'll have to see how that works out.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Well, dang.
Yesterday was another wiped out day. Today I did started week 11 instead of week 10 and was nearly finished with Chest&Back before I noticed. Oh well, was a good workout anyway, I'll just do week 10 next week, then week 12. Will see about fitting Plyo in sometime today along with Abripper (technically I should also do cardioX twice since I missed yesterday, we'll see.)
Hope you have a great day!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Sunday, End of Week 9
Did 34.25 Miles in 131 minutes on the road bike today. Was a really good ride for me although very windy. Legs feel better now than before I left. Yesterday turned into get-nothing-done-day so I guess I need to fit KenpoX and StretchX in today too. That may be overly ambitious.
KenpoX is done. Shower was nice. Sure could use a nap, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen. Another pot of coffee it is!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Tough workout today, heart wasn't entirely in it. Soldiered though none the less. Still have abripper, maybe it will be better.
Okay, Here's a free tip - if you measure the last time you did a summersault in years, be very careful attempting your next one. Oh well, at least the kids enjoyed daddy knocking the breath out of himself and the Swedish judges gave me a 7!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Plyo and CardioX today. Felt pretty run down until after lunch but then got fired up for the workouts. Been sleeping like a stone (as much as little kids and aging dog allow anyway) lately and maybe my schedule is still a little hosed from the daylight savings shift. I am pretty uniformly sore head to foot so I guess it's fair to say that P90X is a equal opportunity abuser. Workout. I meant workout.
Be kind to each other!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Week 9 Begins
Chest and Back went really well today, that's a fun workout. Hard to believe I only get to do it one more time this round of P90X. Glutes were still really sore from Saturday, so went for a bike ride to try and loosen the muscles up. 15 miles later I realize I probably should have thought through my cunning plan a little more carefully. I feel like someone loosened my bellybutton and my butt's about to fall off.
I also knocked out AbripperX. Got through the Yoga section of CardioX and then ran out of gas. Maybe tomorrow.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
End of Week 7
Got KenpoX knocked out and some StretchX. Spent a good bit of time outside with the kids and got the house clean. Nice restful Sunday. Except for my ripped up glutes from yesterday I feel good, hope you do too.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
I know what you're thinking, what happened to Friday?! Maybe I have been overdoing it, maybe I was just off, but I just wasn't able to get mentally or physically up to P90X. So instead of really forcing it I just took the day off. The downtime definitely helped and I got back at it today with legs and back. I'll do Kenpo tomorrow. It looks like I'm going to have to skip the week 8 break and jump ahead to week 9 if I'm going to get all the heavy workouts in before the Apr 5th wedding I'm attending, but I think that'll be okay.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Not a good day today, really low energy and my arms are amazingly sore, both biceps and triceps. I blasted biceps yesterday, so I can understand why they hurt, but haven't really done anything to the tri's since Monday. Anyway, YogaX was not very good, didn't finish it. Feeling pretty blah.
Tomorrow's a new day, hope it's better.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
W7D3 B&B
Knocked out Back and Biceps and AbripperX today, both went well. Ran out of gas in CardioX, may try it again tomorrow. My triceps are killing me for some reason today and sun salutation were miserable. Weight this morning was 186.4, feel like my body is finally normalizing and the fat should be coming off. Picture comparisons (and wife's comments) seem to indicate that I'm looking better. I don't think it's that drastic a change to look at, but do notice more definition and smaller waist. Feel good, tired but good.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
W7D2 Good times.
Knocked out AbripperX, CardioX (from yesterday) and Plyo this afternoon. I think I earned my shower today. I really like all three of these workouts but don't intend on doing them all on the same day again any time soon. Now for some 'recovery' drink and de-funking session in the shower.
Heavin' Hooters Batman, I am TIRED. I almost couldn't type that in all caps I'm so tired. I'd crash right now if my responsibilities would let me. Oh well, muscle through.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Did Chest/Shoulders/Triceps late today, went well but I am worn out tonight. Been a busy Monday. Betting I'll sleep good tonight.
188 this morning.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Well, if it's worth doing, it's worth overdoing I guess.
While in the midst of legs&back workout, Neighbor Gene called about going on a bike ride. Ditched legs&back and hopped on the road bike and we rode OUT!
..And Rode..
..and rode..
36 miles all total for the first trip of the season! Was great fun except for the parts where my quads felt like one more PSI of push would cause them to either seize completely or blow apart like a rotted, over inflated tire. Good times. I did notice that I was pedaling in higher gear and harder than I ever have before on this bike, however while P90X has made my legs much stronger, after the second hour of it things still got hairy. Those first two hours were good though, Plyo and Legs&Back workouts definitely WORK.
The rest is simply repeated application over time.
And Neighbor Gene? Well I figure he's just a MAD MAN.
Tomorrow is back to the regularly scheduled program. Stay tuned intrepid reader!